
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:layueee
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稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee)过去一直被视为定居性害虫。1965年以前,我国各地仅局部偶发为害,系统研究不多。六十年代中期以后,随着农业改制、品种更换、密植高肥、广用农药等生产条件的改变,农田生态系统产生了有利于这一害虫发展的深刻变化,发生区域扩大,为害程度加重,大发生频次增加,已经成为全国主要稻区的普遍性、常发性大害虫。1968至1973年有16个省、市、自治区相继开展了发生规律和单项防治技术的专题研究。1974—1977年,从越冬区域的局限性,广大区域蛾源同期突增,以及异地标放回收试验等方面提供依据,证实了稻纵卷叶螟存在远距离迁飞为害的特性,提出了迁飞假想途径,同时开展了综合防治研究。1978—1980年,这一迁飞研究被列为全国重点项目,通过三年全国性协作,初步解决了它在我国东半部的往返迁飞途径,并通过联合测报网,试行了迁飞异地测报。现将几年来取得的成果综述如下: Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee has historically been considered a settlement pest. Before 1965, all parts of our country were only sporadic and were systematically studied. Since the mid-1960s, with the change of production conditions such as agricultural restructuring, breed replacement, close planting and high fertilizer, and broad use of pesticides, farmland ecosystems have produced profound changes conducive to the development of this pest. As a result, the area has expanded and the degree of harm increased. Large frequency of occurrence has increased, has become the country’s major rice areas of the universality of the major pests. From 1968 to 1973, 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions successively carried out special studies on the law of occurrence and individual prevention and control technologies. From 1974 to 1977, the paper provided the evidences that the rice leaf roller could resist the long-distance flight from the limitations of the overwintering area, the sudden increase of the moth source in the vast area and the release test of the other places. Fly imaginary way, at the same time launched a comprehensive prevention and control research. From 1978 to 1980, this study on migration was listed as a national key project. Through its three-year national cooperation, it initially solved its route to and from the eastern half of our country and piloted the relocation of off-site Reported. The achievements made over the past few years are summarized as follows:
二化螟(Chilo suppressalis Walker)是我国最严重的水稻害虫之一,党中央把它列为7~12年内要求消灭危害的作物害虫。在防治和测报二化螟的工作中,对其幼虫各龄的辨别还存在缺
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2,4—D做为生长刺激剂使用时可以配制成5%酒精溶液,配制1.5%2,4—D钠盐的水溶液出售。做为除草剂使用时可利用它的钠盐,直接加水配制至需要的浓度。 2,4—D的用途与使用方法 2
目的 观察艾滋病病毒外膜蛋白、核心蛋白与干扰素 (HIV -lenv/IFNα- 2b、HIV - 1gag/IFNα - 2b)融合基因的表达产物 ,能否作为理想的基因疫苗 ,使机体产生体液免疫和细胞