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省委常委、常务副省长王宁最近在绵阳调研创新创业工作时强调,要充分发挥政府创投引导资金带动作用,促进创新创业良好氛围和政府导向性产业加快发展。在科技城软件产业园一期核心启动区,看到一批高新技术企业入驻产业园,以新兴产业为主的软件信息产业园蓬勃发展,王宁高兴地说,园区紧握创新转型这把金钥匙,通过招引、培植一批新型业态项目,推动现有企业扩张提质、产业集聚发展、企业孵化成果显著,营造出了“大众创业、万众创新”的良好氛围,打开了新常态下经济发展新通道。王宁在调研中强调,发展众创空间是推进“大众创业、 Wang Ning, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, recently emphasized in his work on innovation and entrepreneurship in Mianyang. He stressed that it should give full play to the role of government venture capital in guiding funds, promote a good atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, and accelerate the development of government-oriented industries. In Science and Technology City Software Park, a core start-up area, saw a number of high-tech enterprises settled in the industrial park, the emerging industry-based software and information industry park to flourish, Wang Ning said with joy that the park clenched innovation and transformation of the gold Key, through attracting and cultivating a number of new types of projects, to promote the expansion and upgrading of existing businesses, industrial agglomeration and development, business incubators achieved remarkable results, creating a ”public entrepreneurship, innovation,“ a good atmosphere, opened a new normal New channel for economic development. Wang Ning stressed in the survey, the development of public space is to promote ”public entrepreneurship,
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