脚踏实地 潜下心来 以人为本 以艺兴院——安徽省书画院院长刘廷龙答主持人问

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刘廷龙,祖籍安徽怀远,1962年生于新疆哈密。现为安徽省书画院院长、国家一级美术师、中国书法家协会会员、中国美术家协会会员、安徽省书法家协会副主席、安徽师范大学硕士生导师、安徽师范大学美术学院兼职教授、安徽工程大学兼职教授。主持人:中国的画院是世界美术体系结构中的特例,其对于中国乃至世界美术作出了何种贡献?如果没有中国的画院体制,中国美术和世界美术将会失去什么?刘廷龙:这个问题应该讲很大。中国画院之所以在世界上很特殊,是因为中国画院有悠久的传统,早在宋朝就有国家画院——宫廷画院,它是我们民族特有的艺术团体,并不是现代才有的。新中国成立后,北京、上海画院相继成立,这是中国美术史上的大事,周恩来、朱德都曾亲自到场。中国的美术、中国画院的体制,从古到今都得到了国家最高层的支 Liu Ting-long, ancestral home Huaiyuan Anhui, born in 1962 in Hami, Xinjiang. He is currently the dean of the Anhui Painting and Calligraphy Academy, the artist at the national level, the member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the member of Chinese Artists Association, the vice chairman of Anhui Calligraphers Association, the master tutor of Anhui Normal University, the adjunct professor of Fine Arts College of Anhui Normal University, Anhui University of Technology part-time professor. Moderator: China’s art academy is a special case in the world art structure, what contribution it make to the art of China and even the world? If there is no Chinese art academy, what will Chinese art and world art lose? Liu Tinglong: This question should be said Great. The reason why the Chinese painting academy is so special in the world is that the traditional Chinese painting academy has a long tradition. As early as the Song Dynasty, there was the National Academy of Fine Arts, the court art academy. It is an art group unique to our nation and is not modernized. After the founding of New China, Beijing and Shanghai Fine Arts Academy have been established one after another, which is a major event in the history of Chinese art. Zhou Enlai and Zhu De have personally attended the scene. The art of China and the system of Chinese painting academy have been supported by the highest level in the country since ancient times