立足海洋优势 建设海洋强市

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综观当今世界,如何开发利用海洋资源,已成为人类发展经济的一大课题。本文就陆丰市海洋经济现状作简要介绍并对今后的发展对策,进行了粗浅的探讨。1 发展海洋经济的战略意义地球陆地面积仅占地表面积的24%,而海洋及内陆水域却占地表面积的76%。海洋资源的开发利用,自古就为人类的生存和发展提供了有利的条件。联合国决定将1998年定为国际海洋年,足见对海洋的关注和重视。科学家们断言:21世纪将是海洋的世纪。当今世界上的经济强国大都是把开发利用海洋,作为抢占21世纪经济制高点的战略决择。我国已把海洋资源的开发利用纳入了国民经济建设和国土资源开发的大系统之中,并在加快海洋产业开发方面采取了一系列的重大举措,沿海各省市全方位摆开了开发海洋产业的阵势。山东提出实施建设“海上山东”。广东提出发展海洋经济,加快海岸带开发,实施“海洋强省”战略。为加快海洋经济产业的综合开发和海洋 Looking at the world today, how to develop and utilize marine resources has become a major issue for mankind in developing its economy. This article gives a brief introduction of the present situation of marine economy in Lufeng City and makes a brief discussion on the future development measures. THE STRATEGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARINE ECONOMY The land area of ​​the Earth is only 24% of the surface area, while the ocean and inland waters make up 76% of the surface area. The development and utilization of marine resources have provided favorable conditions for the survival and development of mankind since ancient times. The decision of the United Nations to set 1998 as the year of the International Ocean Year shows the concern and attention to the oceans. Scientists assert that the 21st century will be the century of the sea. Most of the world’s economic powers today make the development and utilization of the oceans a strategic choice to seize the commanding height of the 21st century. China has incorporated the development and utilization of marine resources into the large-scale system of national economic construction and land resources development and taken a series of major measures to speed up the development of marine industries. All the coastal provinces and municipalities have taken full advantage of the development of marine industries Battle. Shandong put forward the implementation of construction “Sea Shandong”. Guangdong proposed to develop the marine economy, speed up the development of the coastal zone and implement the “strong marine province” strategy. To speed up the comprehensive development of the marine economy and the ocean
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Objective To measure the content of oleanolic acid in Acanthopanax giraldii Harms from different producing areas and different collecting time,A. leucorrhizus v
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目的:确定姜黄清脂片的质量控制方法。方法:采用高效液相色谱法,以Agilent C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)色谱柱为固定相,以四氢呋喃-5%醋酸溶液(42∶58)为流动相,检测波长428 nm