
来源 :航天医学与医学工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haivi2000
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目的通过建模对操作者情境意识水平做出量化预测,拓宽情境意识的理论和实践研究。方法研究整合了信息重要程度、训练水平、人机界面适人性设计和人员动机等几项因素,提出了“认知预期”的概念,建立了基于“认知预期”的一般性情境意识模型。并针对信息重要程度和训练水平两个因素,在手控交会对接操作实验平台上,进行了初学者和熟练者的实验验证,对比分析了预测值、操作绩效、情境意识测量值。结果实测指标和预测值的总体变化趋势一致;初学者模型预测值和绩效表现得分、SART(situational awareness rating technique)、SAGAT(situation awareness global assessment technique)分值有显著的相关关系(r>0.50,P<0.01);熟练者人群的总体情境意识水平可由初学者数据拟合的线性回归方程预测。结论提出的理论模型具有在手控交回对接操作任务中预测特定人群平均情境意识水平的能力。 Objective To quantitatively predict the operator’s level of situational awareness through modeling, and to broaden the theoretical and practical research on situational awareness. The method research integrated several factors such as the importance of information, training level, human-machine interface design and staff motivation, proposed the concept of “cognitive expectation” and established the generality based on “cognitive expectation” Situation Awareness Model. According to the importance of information and the level of training, experiments are carried out on the experimental platform of hand-held rendezvous and docking operation, and the predictive value, operational performance and situational awareness are compared and analyzed. Results The overall trend of the measured indicators and the predicted values ​​is consistent. There is a significant correlation between the predictive value of the beginner model and the score of performance performance (SART), SART (situation awareness global assessment technique) score (r> 0.50, P <0.01). The overall level of situational awareness among the proficient population can be predicted by the linear regression equation of novice data fitting. Conclusions The proposed theoretical model has the ability to predict the average situational awareness of a given population in a manually handed back docking operation.
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