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毛泽东同志主持会议,并在会上作了重要讲话。全会通过了“关于人民公社若干问题的决议”。决议认为我国农村的人民公社运动具有伟大历史意义,并从理论上和政策上阐述了有关人民公社的一系列的问题。全会总结了一九五八年我国国民经济发展获得空前伟大胜利的主要经验。全会指出,国民经济的飞跃发展证明党的社会主义建设总路线和用两条腿走路的一整套方针是正确的。全会提出了一九五九年国民经济发展的方针和一些主要指标。全会指出,实现明年度宏伟的跃进计划,必须贯彻毛泽东同志历来提出的在战略上要藐视困难、在战术上要重视困难,既要有冲天的干劲、又要有科学分析的精神。全会同意毛泽东同志提出的关于他不作下届国家主席候选人的建议,指出毛泽东同志专做党中央主席,更能够集中精力来处理党和国家的方针、政策、路线的问题,腾出较多的时间从事马克恩列宁主义的理论工作,而并不妨碍他对于国家工作继续发挥领导作用。这样,对于全党和全国人民都更为有利。全会指出,正如毛泽东同志所说的,国际形势的总的特点是“敌人一天天烂下去,我们一天天好起来”。全会满意地指出:以苏联为首的社会主义阵营更加壮大了,团结得更加巩固了。全会认为苏共中央提出的七年计划是一个有伟大历史意义的建设共? Comrade Mao Zedong presided over the meeting and made an important speech at the meeting. The plenary passed the “Resolution on Several Issues Concerning People’s Communes.” The resolution holds that the people’s commune movement in rural China is of great historical significance and sets forth a series of issues concerning the people’s communes both theoretically and politically. The plenum summed up the major experience gained in 1958 when China’s national economy enjoyed unprecedented great victories. The Plenary Session pointed out: The rapid development of the national economy proves that the party’s overall line of socialist construction and the set of guidelines for walking on two legs are correct. The plenum put forward the principle of the national economic development in 1959 and some major indicators. The plenum pointed out: In order to realize the magnificent leap forward plan of next year, we must carry out the strategic proposition of Mao Tse-tung that has always been proposed to defy the difficulties and attach great importance to the difficulties in tactics. Both the initiative and the scientific analysis are required. The Plenary agreed with Comrade Mao Zedong’s suggestion that he would not make the candidate for the next national presidency. He pointed out that Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s chairmanship of the party Central Committee should concentrate more on handling the party’s and state’s guidelines, policies and routes so that more will be released The time engaged in the theoretical work of Marxism-Leninism did not prevent him from continuing to play a leading role in the work of the state. In this way, it will be even more beneficial to the entire party and the people throughout the country. The plenum pointed out: As Comrade Mao Tse-tung said, the general characteristic of the international situation is that “the enemy rots day by day and we get better day by day.” The plenary meeting satisfactorily pointed out: The socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union has even grown stronger and its solidarity has been more consolidated. The plenary session thinks that the seven-year plan proposed by the CPSU Central Committee is a building of great historic significance?
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