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股票信息广播是吸引数字电视客户的应用项目之一,是DVB数据广播系统的一个重要组成部分。股票行情系统主旨是向广大的数字电视用户提供股票实时行情、实时流媒体股评信息等,股民足不出户,就可以在家里的电视机上便捷获取各种股市信息,从而达到协助股民炒股的目的。现就这一系统向大家做一简要介绍。 Stock information broadcasting is one of the applications attracting DTV clients and is an important part of the DVB data broadcasting system. The main purpose of the stock market system is to provide real-time stock quotes to real-time stock market real-time quotes for real-time streaming media stock analysts and the like, so that investors can conveniently access various stock market information at home by using their TV sets so as to assist stock investors in stocks . Now on this system to make a brief introduction.
In software-defined networking,the separation of control plane from forwarding plane introduces new challenges to network reliability.This paper proposes a faul
居住在上海浦东新区社会福利院的徐云祥今年102岁,老伴赵大妹103岁。两位老人认为,夫妻恩爱是他们长寿的“维生素”。徐老说:“夫妻相处不在于口头上的我爱你,而在于平时的一举一动。”一次,赵老住院,徐老坐立不安,非要陪着老伴不可。赵老腿脚不便,福利院里有护工,可徐老总是亲自推着老伴到外面散步、晒太阳,这成为福利院里最动人的情景。  两位百岁老人相亲相爱,互相体贴,患难与共,其乐融融,长命百岁自在情理
The structure and energy of the carbonium ions formed upon protonation of butane were studied by the DFT methods. Four stable structures are identified for the
以“致力·美好生活”为主题的上海第十七届国际汽车展览会,4月 19~28日在国家会展中心举办.全世界18个国家地区,1000多家知名汽车企业携1400多辆新车、113辆首发车、159辆新
Objective:To evaluate in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of Arnebia benthamii(A.benthamii) whole plant.Methods:Plasmid damage
In early April,four thermoplastic rubber SEBS production lines at Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Synthetic Rubber Division worked at full capacity and produced 11
Objective: To assess the in vitro antibacterial activity of honey from different geographical location on Gram negative organismes. Methods:Different concentrat
Objective:To search for an efficient and inexpensive source of phytoconstituents with antioxidant potential and health promoting traits from bark and empty pods