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当前养蚕生产上的主要蚕病是病毒性病和真菌性病两类,这两类蚕病除因蚕室蚕具消毒不彻底留下病原感染外,在饲养过程中还通过群体间的蚕座感染进行蔓延传播,目前生产上在蚕期中用漂白粉防僵粉作蚕座消毒剂,但效果不持久。为了切实贯彻“预防为主”的防病方针,确保蚕茧的稳产、高产,亟需有一种高效、广谱的即对真菌、病毒、细菌、原虫都具有药效的新的蚕体蚕座消毒剂。遵循毛主席“洋为中用”的教导,参考日本广泛使用的“派夫索尔”蚕体蚕座消毒剂的有关资料,我系于1972年春即进行蚕体蚕座消毒剂的配制与试验工 The current silkworm production sericinosis is a viral disease and fungal disease two categories, these two types of silkworm except silkworm disinfection is not completely left pathogen infection, the breeding process also through the silkworm infection between groups Spread of transmission, the current production in the silkworm period with bleaching powder anti-dead silkworm disinfectant, but the effect is not lasting. In order to effectively implement the prevention-oriented principle of “prevention-oriented” and ensure a stable and productive cocoon, it is urgent to have a highly efficient and broad-spectrum disinfectant that is effective against fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa Agent. In accordance with the teaching of Chairman Mao’s principle of “foreign use”, referring to the information about the disinfectant of silkworm chickens commonly used in Japan, “Pavolfol”, I conducted the preparation and test of silkworm sterilizing agent in the spring of 1972 work
目的 :探讨云南漾濞彝族族群HLA DQA1频率分布特征 ,并与华人 19个群体比较。方法 :采用限制性片段长度多态性分析 (PCR RFLP)方法。结果 :DQA1 0 30 1(31 6 3 % )最高 , 0 4
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急出妙M比︸M妙乡多差心釜笼,多笼心沙三乡多乡艾自像““偌佬““““ (期数)路线对头山林茂盛··········。··。·········,·······……:。···
本研究运用 WGA-HRP逆行追踪结合胆碱乙酰化酶免疫组织化学法研究了树鼠句内侧隔核 -斜角带复合体向腹侧海马的投射。结果表明 ,(1)树鼠句腹侧海马接受内侧隔核 -斜角带复合
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张敬轩:春夏秋冬试听感受:深情款款热度指数: “快乐是否也来过,探访我们两个,谁都不想让自己错,剩下了自己一个,春夏秋冬,有多少人会走,春夏秋冬, 有多少人会留”,“外面的