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  Grandmother’s Sunflowers
  Ding Limei
  I always think of the sunflowers standing in rows in front of the yard.
  They were grown by my grandmother who took care of the soil like doing embroidering. A green leaf appeared after a needle and a yellow flower after another.
  The yellow flowers in my memory were always in full blooms.
  Loofahs and cucumbers were growing on the shelves. Their oblate green leaves were whirling in the wind, and in midst of them were little yellow flowers, smiling enchantingly. Pumpkins were generally growing on the ground with their vines extending to the distance. It seemed like they were yearning for and trying their best to pursue the distance. What was it in the far distance? It must be love affairs. I believed that the pumpkin was a girl deeply in love, who pursed her love with big yellow flowers. The bright yellow hue was love entangled in her heart.
  There was another kind of plant called Wuzi by my grandmother. Like Japanese creepers, they climbed along corners of the wall until they wrapped the whole house with their green branches and tendrils. Suddenly one day, they were all blooming. The house was covered with yellow flowers from the view of distance. They were beautiful so much so that they arouse my compassion on them.   However, the most highlighted were sunflowers. They stood upright and raised their heads to the sun’s direction with high spirits. In my childhood, I was curious that why they always turned their heads to the sun. So I pulled hard their heads with my little hands to stop them facing the sun. But once I let them go, their heads jumped back. It seemed like that they would never be bent.
  Van Gogh painted sunflowers with abundant golden yellow in his masterpiece Sunflowers in 1888. In the painting, so many sunflowers were blooming in the sunshine like “burning fire burst from the background”. In Van Gogh’s words, “it is the strongest light of love.” In those frustrating and undecided days, those big sunflowers injected the last warm to his gloomy and dreary heart.
  My grandmother didn’t know Van Gogh, and nor did she understand “the strongest light of love”. But she enjoyed growing sunflowers. In the years when we didn’t have enough clothes and foods, the rows of sunflowers in front of the yard casted the most bright color in our hearts. When the sunflowers were blooming, we would have fragrant sunflower seeds to eat soon. That was a very fragrant waiting, which made us very happy.
  It was also charming for sunflowers to set seeds. We could see time and scenery bustling in the heavy seeds. At this time, the sunflowers began to hang their heads with a little shyness and deepness. But their back were still straight. The seeds were taking shape and fullness, absorbing sunshine and fragrance of flowers. The sunflowers looked like honeycombs when they were ripe. Grandmother picked off and slightly knocked the sunflowers, and the seeds dropped into the beforehand container. We could smell the fragrance of sunflowers when they were basked in the sunshine. A seed was the soul of a sunflower.
  When the seeds were dried, grandmother would stir-fry them with slow fire. Every kid’s pocket would be filled with the seeds. We passed our childhood “fragrantly” like this.
  Now grandmother is too old to grow sunflowers. Only emptiness and silence reigned in front of our old house. Under the sky of July, grandmother sits under the old locust tree in front of our old house, staring at a direction without a blink. I think a sunflower must be blooming in her heart.
认真学习贯彻党的十六大精神 ,使之切实有效地进入课堂、进入教材、进入学员头脑 ,是各级各类院校领导机关和政治理论教员面临的现实课题。本文仅从增强十六大精神“三进入”
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