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1912年4月14日,当时最奢华邮轮“泰坦尼克号”在从英国南安普敦开往美国纽约的处女航中,撞上冰山沉入大西洋,1500余人在事故中罹难。1997年,这一震撼人心的事故被搬上银幕,剧情感人至深,风靡全球,创造了多年的全球电影票房最高纪录。100年来,泰坦尼克一直是安全警示的经典案例。近年来,泰坦尼克号因操作失误而沉没的有关分析研究也见诸报道,违章操作和对细节的忽视,被认为是导致泰坦尼克号沉没的主要原因。我们每个企业,都如一艘在大海中航行的轮船,企业的安全和生命都与之紧紧相连。要到达胜利的彼岸,必须谨记 April 14, 1912, when the most luxurious cruise ship “Titanic” in the United States from New York, Southampton, New York, the maiden voyage, hit the iceberg into the Atlantic, more than 1,500 people were killed in the accident. In 1997, this thrilling incident was brought to the screen, the story touching, swept the world, creating the highest global box office record for many years. Titanic has been a classic example of safety warnings for 100 years. In recent years, the analysis of the Titanic sunk due to operational mistakes has also been reported. Illegal operations and neglect of details are considered as the main causes of the sinking of the Titanic. Each of us, like a ship sailing in the sea, is closely linked with the safety and life of the enterprise. The other side of victory must be remembered
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