
来源 :国际地震动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuguoqiangswu
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众所周知的解释地震成因的假说的论据是:在地球岩层的温度和物质密度不均匀性的影响下岩体发生相对位移,伴随位移而产生的巨大能量促使地壳岩层升高和弯曲。在地壳中应力逐渐积累起来,进而导致发生断裂和平移,由此产生的地震波向各个方向传播,当到达地面时就会引起地震。发生上述各种现象是可能的,但是要用这些现象充分解释地震是困难的。要知道,每个 The well-known hypothesis that explains the causes of earthquakes is the relative displacement of rock mass under the influence of temperature and material density inhomogeneity of the earth strata. The huge energy accompanying the displacement causes the crustal rock layers to rise and bend. The gradual accumulation of stress in the earth’s crust leads to the occurrence of faults and translation. The resulting seismic waves propagate in all directions and cause earthquakes when they reach the ground. It is possible to make the above phenomena happen, but it is difficult to fully explain the earthquake using these phenomena. You know, each one
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