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自古墨宝、水色均是文人骚客所钟情的信物,一幅画、一首诗、一卷书,都离不开这荡漾在笔尖的五颜六色。当颜色遇到水后,它们又是怎样变成均匀的颜料,留在书卷、画纸上呢?让摄影师带你进入水色的世界吧!旋转、散落、汇集、翻滚,没有更好的词语可以恰切地形容这变化莫测的分子运动,当它们触碰水面的一瞬间,似乎已不再是只会安静地待在瓶子里的颜料了,像是撒了欢的孩子,一股脑儿奔向了远方,没有忌惮、没有留恋,重获新生般自由玩耍、嬉戏、打闹。无数个分子在水中摆出各种奇异的姿态,有时直线俯冲,有时张牙舞爪,有时盘根错节,有时水火般交锋以对……时而如龙卷风般旋转翻腾,时而如丝绸般延绵起伏,时而又如水母般轻浮飘落。 Since ancient calligraphic, aqua are the believers love the literati, a painting, a poem, a book, are inseparable from the rippling in the nib colorful. When the color encounters water, how do they turn into a uniform pigment and stay on the books and paper? Let the photographer bring you into the aqua world! Rotate, scatter, gather, tumble, no better words It is fitting to describe this unpredictable movement of molecules as they touch the surface of the water no longer seems to be the only pigment to remain in the bottle quietly, like a drowned child, To the distance, there is no fear, no nostalgia, regain the freedom to play like a play, play, slapstick. Numerous molecules in the water put on a variety of strange gestures, and sometimes straight line subduction, and sometimes claws, and sometimes the root of the wrong section, and sometimes fire and water confrontation to ... ... sometimes tornado like tornado rotation, sometimes as silky as the ups and downs, sometimes as jellyfish Frivolous falling.
《西部学刊》,国际标准刊号ISSN 2095-6916,国内统一刊号CN61-1487/C,陕西新华出版传媒集团主管主办,陕西出版传媒集团报刊有限责任公司出版。本刊系《中国学术期刊综合评价
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全球领先的专事为海事、石油天然气和能源行业提供入级和技术保障等服务的知名机构DNV GL集团,其亚太地区总部低碳绿色办公中心最近在上海落成。正在上海访问的挪威首相埃尔
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本文在前人的基础上,分别从静态和动态不同角度入手,运用科学分析手段和利用日常生活观察、搜集所得,对汕头市区居民所操的潮汕方言的变调现象做系统、详细的描写和分析。  文
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溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶(LPAAT)是植物种子油脂合成的关键酶。本研究从花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)栽培品种花育32号和4个花生区组二倍体野生种中克隆得到编码LPAAT的基因序列。