Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou

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  The exhibition “Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou” is scheduled to be staged at Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 11, 2016 to January 15, 2017, presenting a visual feast with 71 pieces of the authentic work by great modern artists from the collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris, France.
  Following the criterion of “one piece by one artist per year,” the exhibits are displayed chronologically, dating from 1906 to 1977. One masterpiece by a different French artist completed in each respective year is on display.
  The year 1906 marked the birth of fauvism, a modern art school that became in vogue during the era. In 1977, the Centre Pompidou was completed and opened to the public. A total of 71 masterpieces were chosen to cover a time span of 72 years and touch every master almost throughout France’s 20th-Century art history.
  The exhibition endeavors to create enough space to present a comprehensive, complete timeline of the progress of modern art in France as well as around the world. Almost every influential Western art school in modern times is represented, ranging from fauvism and cubism to Dadaism, surrealism, abstractionism, expressionism, and pop art. Other styles such as Orphism and op art may not have exerted a huge impact on later generations but continue to represent artists’ persistent innovative efforts.

  “We endeavored to present a sketch of the contours of a century of modern art across the globe,” asserts Serge Lasvignes, president of the Centre Pompidou. “It’s a textbook-grade exhibition of the modern art of the world. These masterpieces not only outline art history—they illuminate the social changes across a century through the eyes of these artists and their works.”
  A glaring void of work from 1945 is particularly worth noting. The blank place on the wall is serenaded by “La Vie en Rose” by édith Piaf (1915-1963), an iconic French singer and symbol of freedom, hope, and love. It’s a special, soulful way to commemorate the end of World War II.

   Gathering of Masterpieces
  The event has been dubbed a great gathering of works by many master artists and representatives of new art schools that emerged in the 20th Century. Featured pieces include The Muse by Pablo Picasso and Double Portrait with a Glass of Wine by Marc Chagall.

  One of the most representative practitioners of Dadaism and surrealism, Marcel Duchamp produced groundbreaking and trailblazing work. His Bicycle Wheel created in 1913 was one of the first times a “found object” went on display in an art museum.
  Henri Cartier-Bresson, hailed as the“father of modern photojournalism,” founded Magnum Photos and is considered one of the greatest photographers of the 20th Century. His “decisive moment” theory has influenced photographers ever since his introduction. His Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare (1932) is displayed among the 71 masterpieces.

  Richard Avedon, a leading photographer in the fashion circles, shot a portrait of Coco Chanel, a distinguished French fashion designer, in 1958. Countless stars and photographers emulated the photograph’s composition in subsequent years.
  Along with masterpieces of modern Western art in the 20th Century, the exhibition also showcases a study model for the Centre Pompidou. In 1977 when it was completed, the Centre received heavy criticism due to its uncanny structure. After many years, the structure is considered a major cultural landmark and scenic spot. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, young designers of the building, went on to prolific careers and won the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1998 and 2007 respectively.

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Opening on November 30.