
来源 :青岛画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fzzlz
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最近,周末下午到五四广场观光的市民都会发现在“五月的风”雕塑西侧,人声鼎沸,热闹非凡,这里正在进行的就是由青岛双星集团、青岛市民俗博物馆、青岛民俗学会和天后宫灯谜学会合作举办的灯谜大赛。灯谜在中国具有几千年的传统,采用独特的语言方式浓缩中国的文化,一直为人们所喜闻乐见,成为具有中国特色的民俗习惯。古代就有“逛庙会、猜灯谜”的习俗,许多文人墨客也采写了大量的以灯谜为内容的诗词散文,后人读起来朗朗上口、爱不释手。几千年来,灯谜能够长盛不衰的一个重要原因就是它对民风 Recently, citizens visiting the May 4th Square on weekends and afternoons will find themselves on the west side of the sculpture “May Wind” with a lively and lively atmosphere. What is going on here is the project organized by Qingdao Double Star Group, Qingdao Folk Museum, Qingdao Folk Custom Learn and Amaran Chandeep learn to host the lantern contest. Lantern riddles have thousands of years of tradition in China, using a unique language enrichment of Chinese culture, has been loved by people, become a folk custom with Chinese characteristics. In ancient times, there was a custom of “visiting the temple fair and riddling riddles”. Many literati and cursive writers also wrote a lot of poetry essays with riddles as the content. The descendants read catchy and put it down. For thousands of years, one of the important reasons why riddles can flourish is their commitment to the people
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