
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddcrow
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我国二十多年的改革开放,提升了社会的整体进步,同时也导致社会贫富分化加剧,出现了困难群体。所谓困难群体是指下岗职工或已经出了再就业服务中心但没有找到工作的人;还有一部分是较早从集体企业退休下来的人员,其退休金水平非常低;再就是从来没有在国有单位工作过,靠打零工、摆小摊养家糊口的人;以及残疾人和孤寡老人及进城的农民工。他们中的许多人没有享受到城里劳动者的同等待遇,劳动权益得不到保护,生活处于贫困状态,缺乏相应的社会保障,在生活、就业、医疗等诸多方面存在着困难。(一)要提高对困难群体医疗保障问题紧迫性的认识困难群体由于就业不稳定,收入低、市场竞争力差,微薄的收入要面对诸如子女教育、赡养老人、医疗费用支出等必不可少的开支,其生活困难可想而知。他们消费水准低、营养不良状况比较普遍,加上心理压力大,因而他们的患病率往往高于非贫困者。但困难群体所能得到的医疗条件又较差,患病后能不医就不医,能拖则拖。致使许多因病致贫,愈贫愈病,形成恶性循环。有一部分下岗或较早从集体企业退休的人员原来所在的单位有的 In the two decades of reform and opening up in our country, the overall social progress has been enhanced. At the same time, the polarization between the rich and the poor has also intensified and a difficult group has emerged. The so-called disadvantaged groups refer to laid-off workers or those who have been re-employed but have not found a job. Others are those who have earlier been retired from collective enterprises and have very low levels of retirement benefits. They never have the right to work in state-owned units Worked, by odd jobs, small stalls to feed their families; and the disabled and lonely elderly and migrant workers into the city. Many of them do not enjoy the same treatment as urban workers, their labor rights are not protected, their livelihoods are in a state of poverty, their social security is lacking and there are difficulties in living, employment and medical care. (I) To raise awareness of the urgency of medical security for disadvantaged groups Because of employment uncertainty, low income, poor market competitiveness, and meager income, it is imperative for the disadvantaged groups to face such issues as education of their children, support for the elderly and medical expenses The cost of living can be imagined. Low levels of consumption and malnutrition are common and psychologically stressful, and their prevalence is often higher than that of non-poor. However, the medical conditions that can be obtained by the disadvantaged groups are also worse. As a result, many people become more and more poor because of their illness, resulting in a vicious cycle. Some of the employees who had been laid off or who had earlier retired from the collective enterprises had their own units
报告了4例因在压力蒸汽灭菌时过早开启柜门而引起的事故。 Four cases of accidents due to opening the cabinet door prematurely during autoclaving were reported.