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英语阅读能力对于英语学习与应用具有十分重要的意义,但其仍是英语学习阶段的一大难题。目前,我国小学英语阅读教学方法过于传统,导致英语阅读课程枯燥无味,学生无法提起兴趣。因此,提高小学英语高年级阅读能力,主要在于创新教师教学手段,激发学生学习兴趣,从根本上引导学生具备良好的阅读习惯。小学英语阅读教学方法较为传统单一,因此其常被评为费时低效的教学过程,导致学生对英语阅读产生排斥心理。由于小学高年级学生已然具备知识分析能力,提高其英语阅 English reading ability for English learning and application of great significance, but it is still a major learning difficulties in English. At present, the method of teaching primary English reading in our country is too traditional, resulting in the dullness of the English reading course and the students’ inability to raise interest. Therefore, to improve primary school English reading ability, mainly lies in innovating teaching methods of teachers to stimulate student interest in learning, and fundamentally guide students to have good reading habits. Primary English reading teaching method is more traditional and single, so it is often rated as time-consuming and inefficient teaching process, leading to students in English reading exclusion psychology. As the upper primary students already have knowledge analysis ability, improve their English reading
目的 针对血常规检验在临床贫血患者诊断中的重要作用进行初步探讨.方法 收集50例巨幼贫患者为甲组,50例缺铁性贫血患者为乙组,50例健康体检者为丙组,对上述150例患者的基础
目的 研究影响体检人群血常规检验结果的因素并制定对策.方法 选取2019年1月——12月间在我院体检中心行血常规检验的74例体检人员作研究对象,所有患者均进行肘部静脉抽血,采
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