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那是1978年的6月中旬,我在某部警侦连任副连长,主要分管侦察分队的军事训练。军区为了提高全区部队的整体军训水平,在军区某训练基地组织了一次小规模、观摩型的加强步兵连有坦克分队协同的进攻演练。主要突出各兵种的战术协同作战动作,所以工兵、通信、侦察、防化、战地救护几个小兵种也都选派部分人员参加并观摩这次步兵连进攻战术协同小军演。南国的6月已显炎热。观摩那天,晴见多云。一吃完早饭,我师的观摩人员就集体乘车按时赶到了军演场。我们两个野战师的观摩人员被安排在离“敌山头”约250米远的指挥台东南边,指挥台的东北边是某守备师和军直机关的观摩人员。其后100多米处的是全副武装参演的部队,一溜 That was mid-June 1978, when I was re-elected as commander in a police investigation department, mainly in charge of military training for reconnaissance units. In order to raise the overall level of military training in the entire region, the military region organized a small-scale, observational-type offensive drill to strengthen the coordination of infantry with tank units in a training base in the military region. The main tactical operations of the various units are coordinated combat operations. Therefore, several small units of engineers, communications, reconnaissance, anti-chemical warfare and field ambulance are also assigned some personnel to participate and observe the infantry combined with the offensive tactics. Southern China has been hot in June. See that day, sunny see cloudy. As soon as the breakfast was over, the observers of my division rushed to the military field on time for the collective ride. The observers of our two field warriors were arranged to the south-east of the podium, about 250 meters away from “The Enemy Head.” The northeast side of the podium was the observer of a defender and military straightening force. After more than 100 meters at the armed forces are fully participating forces, a slide
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