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逢到考试时节,不少毕业生问作文考试的诀窍。说到底,写作无秘诀,作文无权威。在运用语言文字的“战场”上,没有“稳操胜券”的“常胜将军”!但面对考场作文,决不能无所作为,也决不是无所施其技的。我给大家开个“四言真经”,或有助于解决临场的问题,“遇难呈样”耳! 心态应松。考试,一定程度上是心理战。凡有平常心,对考试不视为畏途,不以为折磨的学生,发挥一般就比较好。有不少学生(尤其是有的女学生)心理失衡,临场紧张焦虑,结果往往“大跌眼镜”,“落荒”而北。松者,放松也。其实,这如同武松之与 At the time of the exam, many graduates asked questions about the composition exam. In the final analysis, there is no secret in writing and there is no authority in writing. In the “battlefield” where the language is used, there is no “general victory” for “stabilizing and winning the ticket.” However, in the face of writing on the examination room, we must not do nothing, and we must never use our skills. I would like to open a “Four Words to the Scriptures” to help solve the problem on the spot. “To be killed” is the ear! The mind should be loose. Exams are, to some extent, psychological warfare. Students who have a sense of regularity and do not regard the examination as a fearful way and do not think that they are tortured are generally better off. There are many students (especially some female students) who have psychological imbalances and anxiety on the spot. As a result, they tend to be “stingshot” and “fall away” to the north. Loose, relax too. Actually, this is similar to Wu Song’s
眼眸中虽没有定格过它的倩影,但它却停泊在我的心海。在那里没有冰山,在那里它就是这样—— 淒美的管笛声中,纯洁的冰山下。静静,划破那蔚蓝海面向你驶来。一曲爱情的绝唱,
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The full-length mRNA of the high mobility group protein 1 coding gene(HMG1) was obtained by RACE-PCR from red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.),blunt sn