
来源 :石油与天然气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbschengpengfei
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垂向上层序不完整 ,平面上沉积体系和相带不齐全 ,盆地以侵蚀或断层为边界以及周缘和邻近地区露头的构造特征都可作为识别残余盆地的标志。残余盆地大多经过多次构造的叠加 ,从系统论和信息论的角度可将这一过程抽象为建造过程、构造过程和信息记录过程。要认识和重建某个地质历史时期盆地的原始构造格局和沉积特征 ,就必须除去后期叠加的构造层和构造变形 ,即反序构造分析法。该方法主要包括构造成像、变形年代确定和变形恢复等几项关键技术。残余盆地油气地质条件复杂 ,一般分两个步骤对其进行油气地质评价 :一是运用反演技术恢复原型盆地构造格局、沉积特征以及原生油气地质特征 ;二是以原型盆地为出发点 ,运用正演技术对其进行理论分析 ,将结果与现存实际对照 ,修正主观因素的影响。以此为基础 ,建立盆地改造过程中空间结构层次、时间发生序次与成烃、成藏事件的时空耦合关系 ,并由此深化对油气形成和聚集规律的认识。 The vertical sequence is incomplete, the sedimentary system and facies belt are not complete in the plane, and the tectonic features of the basin with erosion or fault boundaries and outcrops in the periphery and adjacent areas can be used as the markers to identify the residual basins. Most of the residual basins are superimposed by many constructions. From the perspective of system theory and information theory, this process can be abstracted into the construction process, the construction process and the information recording process. To recognize and reconstruct the original tectonic framework and sedimentary features of a basin during a geological history, it is necessary to remove the superimposed tectonic layer and tectonic deformation in the later period, that is, reverse order tectonic analysis. The method includes several key technologies such as imaging, deformation dating and deformation recovery. The geological conditions of oil and gas in the remaining basins are complex and generally are evaluated in two stages: first, the inversion of the prototype basin is used to restore the structure and sedimentary characteristics of the prototype basins and the geological features of the primary oil and gas; secondly, the prototype basin is used as a starting point, Technical analysis of its theoretical analysis, the actual results with the existing control, amendments to the impact of subjective factors. Based on this, a time-space coupling relationship between spatial structure level, time sequence and hydrocarbon generation and accumulation events in the process of basin reformation is established, and the recognition of formation and accumulation of oil and gas is deepened.
利用1993, 1995和1997年3期全球卫星定位系统(GPS)观测资料测定了青藏高原GPS监测站的三维位移速率, 并由此计算分析了青藏高原现今地壳运动与应变. GPS 多期精密复测结果显示, 青藏高原现今地壳运动仍以南北向挤压、东西向拉张、垂直方向隆升为主. 喜马拉雅块体的相对汇聚速率大约为(19.5±1.7) mm/a, 拉张速率大约为(5.5±6.0) mm/a 左右, 隆升速率大约为(7
北祁连山西段元古宙火山岩系为大陆裂谷火山作用产物 ,属大陆溢流玄武岩系 .岩石地球化学研究表明 ,它们派生于岩石圈之下的地幔柱源 ,但也显示有大陆岩石圈组分卷入的证据 .它们的形成是地幔柱 岩石圈相互作用的结果 ,是北祁连山早古生代洋盆打开的前兆 .
针对大港油田港西四区污水体系,在部分水解聚丙烯酰胺加量不大于1000m g·L- 1,助剂(AU)加量不大于300m g·L- 1的条件下以及实验用污水的组成(矿化度为6000m g·L- 1)确定后,利用准三组分相图,选定实验范围及实验