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最近,听了李惠军老师《美国建国历程》一课,李老师用他极丰富的语言打造了一堂“有人味”的历史课。一、娓娓道来说故事——引人入胜李老师说:他喜欢讲故事,因为只有故事才能吸引并且打动那些年轻的学生。所以,听李老师的课,总能听到很多故事。在这堂课上,李老师就讲了五月花号公约诞生的故事、华盛顿告别军营解甲归田的故事、联邦宪法诞生的故事……。“一百多年有很多很多的城南旧事,让我感慨的是在这许多许多的城南旧事中,我经常经 Recently, after listening to a lesson from Professor Li Huijun’s ”Course on the Founding of the United States,“ Mr. Li used his very rich language to create a history class of ”human taste.“ First, tell the story - intriguing Li said: he likes to tell the story, because only the story to attract and impress those young students. So, listening to Lee’s class, you can always hear a lot of stories. In this lesson, Teacher Li talked about the birth of the Mayflower Convention, the story of Washington saying goodbye to the barracks and the birth of the Federal Constitution. ”There are many, many, many things in the south of the city for more than one hundred years. What impressed me is that in many, many,
笔试过后,经过漫长的等待,我终于接到了这家公司的面试电话。我应聘的是公司的公关部经理。按照约定的时间,我到公司的人力资源部进行面试。面试官有三个人,他 After the wr
AIM To investigate the role of subgenotype specific RNA secondary structure in the compartment specific selection of hepatitis B virus(HBV) immune escape mutati
据《Plastics World》报导,根据 LeadingEdge report(216)7915500的最近研究,塑料在药物包装市场中,以9%年增长率稳定增长,至2000年可达70亿美元。因为塑料包装比玻璃 Accord
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In addition to causing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatitis C virus(HCV) is thought to cause hypolipidemia, hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance,
The presence of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO)implies the presence of fluctuating rains in coastal areas and these changes influence the occurrence of febri
据世贸组织网站公布的资料 ,截至今年 4月 4日 ,世贸组织共有 14 6个成员国 ,30个观察员。其中有非洲成员国 4 1个 ,非洲观察员 6个。具体的非洲成员国如下 :安哥拉 (1996年