Time flys. There have been 35 years since the establishment of ZhengZhou Research Insti-tute fot Abrasives and Grinding. In celebrating her 35th anniversary,ZRIAG is entering in a newgold epoch of rapid development in technology,industry and business. Since her establishment,ZRIA G has built up a hish reputation for her strong scientific andtechnological force. Particulatly in the last 5 yeats,profiting from the policies of reform,opening
Time flys. There have been 35 years since the establishment of ZhengZhou Research Insti-tute fot Abrasives and Grinding. In celebrating her 35th anniversary,ZRIAG is entering in a newgold epoch of rapid development in technology,industry and business. Since her establishment,ZRIA G has built up a hish reputation for her strong scientific and technical material. Particulatly in the last 5 yeats,profiting from the policies of reform,opening