随着市场经济竞争的加剧,作为企业的经理,必须具备必要的精神品质。在现实生活中,作为经理人的你,做到了哪一种或哪些种呢?一是尽职的牧羊犬:新新人类最为人诟病的就是缺乏责任感,作为一个新人,学习建立负责任的观念,会让主管、同事觉得“孺子”可教。抱着多做一点多学一点的心态,你很快就会进入状态。二是团结合作的蜜蜂:新人进到公司,往往不知如何利用团队的力量完成工作。现在的企业很讲究 TeamWork,这不
With the aggravation of competition in the market economy, as a business manager, we must possess the necessary mental qualities. In real life, as a manager of you, what kind of one or what to do? First, due diligence sheepdog: the most criticized new people is the lack of a sense of responsibility, as a newcomer to learn to establish a responsible concept, Will let supervisors, colleagues think “prickly heat” can teach. Hold more do a little more learn mentality, you will soon enter the state. The second is the bee unity and cooperation: new people into the company, often do not know how to use the power of the team to complete the work. Now the company is very particular about TeamWork, this is not