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二十余年来,我国的智能建筑从无到有,从业企业由少到多,产品由最开始的主要依靠进口到如今越来越多的具有自主知识产权的产品在工程中得到广泛应用,充分说明了智能建筑行业正在逐步发展、壮大。我国智能建筑行业发展的二十年,也是风云变幻的二十年。在发展初期,由于行业标准不健全、行业准入门槛相对较低、智能建筑市场中产品混杂等因素,致使智能建筑行业企业鱼龙混杂,产品和工程质量参差不齐,严重影响了行业的健康有序发展。行业需要规范化管理、智能建筑工程质量迫切需要提高,这是来自行业的心声,这是发自企业内心的需求。直到2003年,伴随着中国建筑业协会智能建筑专业委员会(以下简称智专委,2009年8月31日后更名为“智能分会”)的成立,在政府和有关方面的大力支持下,充分发挥行业企业、专家资源,针对智能建筑行业存在的薄弱环节开展工作,取得了初步成效,那些影响行业发展的不利因素也因此 More than two decades, China’s intelligent building from scratch, practitioners from as little as possible, the product mainly from the beginning to rely on imports to nowadays more and more products with independent intellectual property rights in the project has been widely used, Fully illustrates the intelligent building industry is gradually developing and expanding. Twenty years of development of the intelligent building industry in our country are also two decades of changing conditions. In the early stage of development, due to poor industry standards, industry access threshold is relatively low, mixed products in the intelligent building market and other factors, resulting in mixed intelligence and construction industry enterprises, product and project quality is uneven, seriously affecting the industry’s healthy and orderly development of. The industry needs standardized management, the urgent need to improve the quality of intelligent building projects, which is the voice of the industry, which is from the heart of the business needs. Until 2003, with the establishment of the Intelligent Building Professional Committee of China Construction Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the “IPCC”, renamed as “Intelligent Branch” after August 31, 2009), with full support from the government and relevant parties, Give play to the enterprises and experts in the industry and work hard for the weak links existing in the smart building industry, and have achieved initial success. Therefore, the unfavorable factors that affect the development of the industry are therefore
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