
来源 :泥沙研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xwxseven
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高含沙水流学术讨论会1月29日在北京召开,2月1日结束。参加会议的有十三个单位,三十余人,收到并宣读论文二十一篇,基本上反映了我国在这一领域的研究概况和学术水平。我国近十余年来在高含沙水流方面发展较快,有些研究成果已直接或间接地为生产建设服务,如:扩大了水利水电工程规划的思想境界,为多沙河流防洪规划提出了新的指导原则;通过调水调沙延长了已建水库的使用寿命,引高含沙水流淤地改土、改造盐碱荒地;管道输送高浓度煤浆、尾矿和粉煤灰等。在泥石流的研究和防治方面也取得一定进展。最近有人开始把高浓度含沙水流的理论应用到河口三角洲的开发治理上。高含沙水流的研究工作,在国际上也引起了积极的反映,外宾踊跃报名参加即将举行的高含沙水流国际学 High-sediment flow academic seminar January 29 held in Beijing, February 1 end. Thirteen units attended the conference, with more than 30 participants. Twenty-one essays were received and read, basically reflecting our country’s research overview and academic standards in this field. In recent ten years, our country has witnessed a rapid development in high sediment flow, and some of the research results have directly or indirectly served for production and construction. For example, it expanded the ideological realm of water conservancy and hydropower project planning and put forward new proposals for the flood control planning of the Dousha River The guiding principles; by adjusting the water and sediment to extend the service life of the reservoir has been built, lead silt land high silt and water to improve the saline-alkali wasteland; pipeline transport of high concentrations of coal slurry, tailings and fly ash. Some progress has also been made in the research and prevention and treatment of debris flow. Recently, some people began to apply the theory of high concentration of sandy flow to the development and management of estuarine delta. The research work of high sediment concentration has also caused a positive response in the world. Foreign guests are enrolled in the forthcoming international study of high sediment flow
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