地震吓不倒英雄汉 振纲治蝗捷报传

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我县南临渤海,地势比较低洼。既有沿海蝗区又有内涝蝗区。无产阶级文化大革命以来,在农业学大寨群众运动的推动下,全县治蝗事业有了很大发展。在全国“依靠群众、勤俭治蝗,改治并举,根除蝗害”的治蝗方针指导下,经过艰苦奋斗,蝗区面积压缩了近40万亩,除治面积由解放初期的每年60—100万亩,下降到l万亩左右,投入的人力、物力也大为减少,除治用工由每年150万个劳动日工下降到1万个左右,国家投资由过去的每年15万元左右减少到不足2万元。同时螟区面貌也大大改变,蝗区境内河流、渠道、水库、堤坝、埝埂已基本绿化,建立了22个社队办的蝗区林场,各种排水能力达385平方公里,蝗区垦荒事业大发展,巳挑挖台田、条田16万多亩,开稻田3万多亩,防治设备发展很快。1976年已基本实现地面机械化作业。 My county south Bohai Sea, relatively low-lying terrain. Both coastal locust area and waterlogging locust area. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, with the promotion of the Dazhai Mass Movement in Agriculture, great achievements have been made in the management of locusts in the county. Under the guidance of the guideline of “controlling locusts that depend on the masses, diligently and thriftily rule the land, and simultaneously rule and eradicate locusts” throughout the country, the area of ​​the locusts has been reduced by nearly 40,000 mu after hard work. In addition to the area from 60 to 100 Mu, down to about l acres, manpower, material resources are also greatly reduced, in addition to cure employment from 1.5 million annual labor day dropped to about 10,000, the state investment from the past annual reduction of 150,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan Less than 2 million. At the same time, the appearance of the borer area has also been greatly changed. The rivers, channels, reservoirs, dams and dikes in the locust area have been basically afforested. 22 grassland-planting forest farms run by the communes and social teams have been set up and all kinds of drainage capacity has reached 385 square kilometers. Great development, have to dig Taita, more than 160,000 acres of fields, open more than 30,000 acres of rice fields, prevention and control equipment developed rapidly. In 1976, mechanized mechanization of the ground has been basically achieved.
滴灌法已在夏威夷糖业中建立起来,并广泛用于全世界的园艺学中——特别是缺水的地方。虽然 BSES 土壤系和农艺系的研究人员曾用于实验,但至今仍未能大规模生产应用。本文简
前言2012:“末日之年”?2012-THE DOOMSDAY这一年,无数的话题成为人们茶余饭后的谈资。从世界政坛的跌宕起伏到全球经济在萎靡之中的坚挺,无数人的面孔与诸多事件的经典画面