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限制性定语从句的关系词有时可省略,这种现象在口语或非正式英语中较为常见。1.当关系词在限制性定语从句中作谓语动词或介词的宾语时,常可省略。例如:①Mary is the only person John likes. 玛丽是约翰唯一喜欢的人。②You remember the boy(that)I was talking about?你记俐我谈到的那个男孩吗? The relative terms of restrictive attributive clauses can sometimes be omitted. This phenomenon is more common in spoken English or informal English. 1. When a relational word is an object of a predicate verb or a preposition in a restrictive attributive clause, it can often be omitted. For example: 1 Mary is the only person John likes. Mary is John’s only favorite person. 2You remember the boy(that)I was talking about? Did you remember the boy I talked about?
1.all the可用作形容词短语修饰名词,意为the only(唯一的、仅有的)。如:A hut was all the home he ever had.(=A hut was the only home hehad in his whole life.)一间茅
Participating countries at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai can choose a day as their National Pavilion Day.The day is usually celebrated with ceremonies and per
观察表明,阅读的形式主要有两种:一种是出声阅读,也叫朗读;另一种是无声阅读,即默读。让我们来分析一下这两种阅读在接收信息时的不同过程。 出声阅读的信息传递形式是:视分
《大学英语》1987年第6期(封三)根据读者陈立斌提出的意见,将1986年第2期第49题:Have a cup of tea,____? A.don′t you B.wouldyou C.won’t you D.aren′t you的原给答案C
Shanghai lifts the curtain on the largest ever Expo in history people around the world hailed the opening of the 2010 World Shanghai lifts the curtain on the l