抗日战争全面爆发后的 1 937年 1 0月初至1 1月中旬 ,中共中央军委副主席周恩来与时任国民党第二战区前敌总指挥兼第 1 4集团军总司令的卫立煌将军 ,在山西抗日前线 ,有过三次重要会见。这三次会见 ,对于卫立煌后来坚持不断抗战 ,成为抗日名将 ,并最终转变立场 ,脱离国民党反动
From the beginning of the anti-Japanese war in January 1937 to mid-January of January 1937, Zhou Enlai, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, and General Wei Lihuang, commander-in-chief of the former enemy army and commander-in-chief of the 14th Army Group in the Second Theater of the Kuomintang, Anti-Japanese front, there have been three major meetings. We met these three times. After Wei Lih-huang later insisted on continuing the war of resistance against Japan and became a famous anti-Japanese leader, he eventually changed his position and departed from the reactionary reaction of the Kuomintang