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2006年股市实现了超过130%的增长,基金的赚钱效应得到极大体现。步入2007年,股市继续维持牛市格局,股指屡创新高,直逼3000点。因此,老百姓的基金投资热情也被极大地带动起来,基金开户数不断创出天量,1月26日创纪录地达到17.5万户。然而,就在全民热衷于投资基金的时候,1月30日,股市开始回调。1月31日,当天股指大幅下跌,创下自1999年7月1日以来单日最大下跌点数纪录。2月2日,股指继续下跌,机构重仓的一线蓝筹品种纷纷跳水。至2月5日,短短5个交易日,上证指数下跌11.3%,深证成指下跌12.76%,股票型基金平均跌幅达9.41%,基民们刚刚入市就尝到了被套的滋味。那么,年初被各大机构看好的基金,是否还值得投资,该如何投资呢? In 2006 the stock market achieved more than 130% growth, the fund’s earning effect has been greatly reflected. Into 2007, the stock market continue to maintain the bull market pattern, the index hit a new high, almost equal to 3000 points. Therefore, people’s fund investment enthusiasm has also been greatly driven up the number of fund accounts continue to create the amount of days, January 26 a record reached 175,000. However, just as the general public is passionate about investing in funds, the stock market began to call back on January 30. On January 31, the day the stock index fell sharply, setting a one-day maximum drop record since July 1, 1999. February 2, the stock index continued to fall, the body Shigekura first-line blue-chip species have dive. To February 5, just 5 trading days, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 11.3%, Shenzhen Component Index fell 12.76%, equity funds fell 9.41% on average, the basic public just tasted the market Quilt taste. Well, the beginning of the year by the major agencies optimistic about the fund, is still worth investing, how to invest?
中国图书分类TU56+1.65 文献标识码: A文章编号:2095-2104(2012)01-0020-02  摘要:对单组份聚氨酯涂料的技术特性、应用范围以及施工方法进行了简单论述。  关键词:单组份聚氨酯涂料;特性;应用;施工  Abstract: This paper take a brief discussion on the technical characteristics of th
通过空气将20 kHz超声波引入WC-Ni的激光熔池内,使316L钢表面形成熔覆涂层.通过实验测试的方式分析超声振动引起的涂层组织结构、硬度、元素分布形态等性能的变化.研究结果表
TU2  1999年10月1日,国家建设部和民政部颁布了《老年人建筑设计规范》,该规范规定了老年人居住住宅设计必须符合此类人群的生理及心理特征,兼顾到为老年群体提供舒适、方便、人性化的住宅环境。为了使社会环境更加适应我国向老龄化结构迅速靠拢的趋势,该规范还规定了城市新建改建以及扩建的住宅建筑和公共建筑在卫生、安全方面的基本要求。21世纪,我国所有的建筑设计工作中,老年人住宅建筑设计已经成为其中非常
The present paper utilizes thermal infrared image for inversion of winter wheat yield and biomass with different technology of irrigation (drip irrigation, spri