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“十五”期间是我国加入WTO后的关键过渡期,消防行业将会逐步形成基本符合社会主义市场经济和WTO规则的管理体制。为此一方面政府的主管部门在进行改革,实现职能转变,抓紧制定和完善有关法律法规,依法执政,创造良好的市场环境,实现政企分开,减少行政性审批,发挥市场主体的积极性和创造性,建立公平竞争、规范有序的消防市场体系;另一方面消防协会也将逐步成为政府和企业之间的桥梁,在帮助企业、服务企业的同时积极向政府反映企业的要求和需要,协助政府制定有利于企业和行业发展的各项政策。那么,作为消防企业在此新的形势下如何发展呢? 我们正处在世界经济和科学技术大发展的阶段,面对着前所未有的市场 During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, which is the key transition period after China’s accession to the WTO, the fire protection industry will gradually form a management system basically in line with the socialist market economy and WTO rules. To this end, on the one hand, the government departments in charge of reform, to achieve functional changes, pay close attention to the formulation and improvement of relevant laws and regulations, rule of law, create a good market environment, to achieve the separation of government and enterprises, reducing administrative examination and approval, giving play to the enthusiasm of the market and creativity On the other hand, fire protection associations will gradually become the bridge between the government and enterprises. While helping enterprises and service enterprises, they will also actively reflect the requirements and needs of enterprises to the government and assist the government Formulate policies that are conducive to the development of enterprises and industries. So, as the fire fighting enterprises in this new situation how to develop it? We are in the world economy and science and technology development stage, in the face of unprecedented market
Language and cultural interact. Cultural teaching is important to language teaching. Vocabulary, the most active element in language, always mirrorsthe culture
11月22日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)宣布,已批准了化学品标签和包装草案,使其与欧盟分类、标签和包装(CLP)法规保持一致。据 On November 22, the European Chemicals Agency
自 2 0 0 0年以来 ,我们采用前瞻性随机对照的方法 ,对原发性青光眼施行巩膜池成形小梁切除术的临床效果进行了观察 ,现将临床观察结果报告如下 :1 临床资料1 1 一般资料
利用集对分析的同异反统计方法研究平衡施肥问题,为“高产、优质、高效”农业服务. Using the same-contrary and anti-statistic method of set-pair analysis to study th
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