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中国传统家庭伦理结构应该完整地包含着等级、本分、补偿三个基本要素,而不仅仅是等级制度。为了实现和谐目标,设计者们首先将家庭成员的各种身份分别纳入不同的等级中,并为不同等级的家庭成员确定了相应的行为规范,使每个人都恪守本分;对于等级之间可能出现的利益紧张关系,则试图以各种各样的补偿来调节。这种设计是“礼、义、仁”三位一体价值观的体现,在理想状态下不失为能够平等满足家庭成员物质精神需要,实现家庭和谐目标的一种较好的方式;但是,传统家庭伦理设计不能很好应对诸如缺员、失范、人的自然属性的张力等问题,所以现实生活中的许多家庭就不可避免地存在这样那样的冲突。 The traditional Chinese family ethics structure should contain the three basic elements of rank, duty and compensation completely, not just the hierarchy. In order to achieve the goal of harmony, designers first include family members’ different identities into different ranks, and define corresponding codes of conduct for different grades of family members, so that everyone abides by their duties; for the possible differences among grades Emergence of the tension between the interests, then trying to adjust to a wide range of compensation. This kind of design is the manifestation of Trinity values ​​of “righteousness, benevolence and kindness”. Under ideal conditions, it is a better way to meet the materialistic needs of family members equally and achieve the goal of family harmony. However, the traditional family ethics design Can not respond well to problems such as lack of staff, anomie, and the tension of the natural attributes of human beings. Therefore, many families in real life inevitably have such conflicts.
美国明尼苏达大学医院的路易斯·托拜恩和苏珊·汉伦经研究认为,日本人患中风的比率较高,是由于吃盐太多的缘故。 他们的研究是用鼠进行的。先给鼠吃高盐饮食,并没有引起高
傅抱石,我国著名画家,“新山水画”代表画家。能篆刻,善画人物、山水,尤其善画雨景。原名长生、瑞麟,号抱石斋主人。1904年生于江西新余。 Fu Baoshi, a famous painter in