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辽阳,这座有2400余年历史的文明古城,曾以人杰地灵出过不少仁人志士而闻名遐迩。如今,欣逢改革开放盛世,政通人和,各项事业兴旺发达,呈现一派勃勃生机,使这个襄平古郡又展新姿。在这春意盎然的阳春三月里,我们采访了市县领导同志,参观考察了一些企业,所见所闻感触颇深。 “保5争7奔翻番”计划的提出 伴随着辽阳乡镇企业跳跃式的发展,干部的思想观念也出现了一个飞跃。去年,他们就经历了两次较大的思想撞击:年初,他们面临着是制定一个常规发展的规划,还是解放思想规划的两种选择。市委书记傅克诚同志深入到县区,在做了大量的调查研究和干部思想工作的基础上, Liaoyang, an ancient city with 2,400 years of history, was once famous for its outstanding people and outstanding people. Nowadays, with the prosperous era of reform and opening up, the people of the government and the people are prosperous and the various undertakings are prosperous and flourishing, presenting an affluent vitality and giving this ancient county of Muping a new look. In this sunny spring of March, we interviewed city and county leaders and visited and inspected some companies. The proposal of “guarantee 5 fights and 7 times doubled” plan With the leap-forward development of township and village enterprises in Liaoyang, the ideology of the cadres has also seen a leap forward. Last year, they experienced two major ideological shocks: At the beginning of the year, they faced the choice of formulating a conventional development plan or emancipating the mind. Comrade Fu Kecheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into the counties and districts and did a great deal of investigation and research on the basis of cadres’ ideological work.
文章阐述了当前农业节水运用中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出解决办法。 The article expounds the problems in the current agricultural water saving application and pr
历史学科是人文社会科学中的基础学科之一,研究和探讨的是人类社会发展的历程及其规律。在义务教育阶段历史课程作为必修课,其意义主要体现在课程目标上,历史属 The history
【学习目标】1.掌握美国的地理位置和领土组成。2.识记美国农业专业化地区的名称、位置,分析主要农业带与自然条件的关系。 [Learning Objectives] 1. Master the geographi