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人们的目光总是集中在天才身上。《莫扎特传》这部影片以旁观者的视角,为观众展现了这位天才的故事。我不想再讨论莫扎特,因为我想不到有比“天才”更贴切的词汇来形容他。我想说的是这位旁观者——萨列里。人们往往把萨列里当做嫉妒天才的庸才,这点我不认同。既生瑜何生亮的悲哀,只有周瑜能懂,可是那些嘲笑周瑜的人又有几个比得上周瑜。萨列里的出场简直充满了正能量。他出身贫寒,家中没有什么音乐氛围,但他痴狂地追逐自己的音乐梦想,并且凭努力当上了宫廷乐师,一时间好不风光。在那个时代,乐师是竞争激烈的行业,需要实力,萨列里的地位证明了他 People’s eyes always focus on the genius. “Mozart biography” This film to the spectator’s point of view, for the audience to show the genius story. I do not want to discuss Mozart anymore, because I can not think of a more appropriate term than “genius” to describe him. I want to say is the bystander - Salieri. People often regard Salieri as a jealous genius of mediocrity, which I do not agree with. Both Sheng Yu Ho Sang Liang’s sorrow, only Zhou Yu can understand, but those who laughed at Zhou Yu and Zhou Yu several comparable. The appearance of Salieri is full of positive energy. He was born in poverty, there is no musical atmosphere at home, but he crazy pursuit of their dreams of music, and worked hard to become court musician, for a time or not scenery. In that era, musicians were highly competitive industries and needed strength, and Salieri’s position proved him
AIM:In hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)prevalent areas ofChina,the point mutation of p53 exon7 is highly correlatedwith Hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection and afleto
类型: 动画/冒险/喜剧  上映日期: 2013年12月  片长: 90分钟  推荐人:佳 佳  在一个遥远的地方,那里住着一群善良勇敢的青蛙,他们在青蛙国王的统领下过着祥和安宁的生活。四年一度的运动会又要来临了,这届运动会与往年不同,蛙王将选出优胜勇士迎娶公主。当全国上下都热情高涨地投入到这场盛会中时,作为主角的公主竟然离家出走了。  此刻,住在蛙国附近的蛇王曾经被年轻的青蛙国王砍断尾巴,为此它
Background Hyperuricemia (HUA) and hypertension are associated with the increasing risk and mortality of cardiovascular disease (CVD) . However,the relationship
AIM:To investigate the influence of hepatic arterial blockageon blood perfusion of transplanted cancer in rat liver and theexpression of vascular endothelial g