Phase Behavior and Dielectric Spectroscopy of the Sodium Dodecyl Trioxyethylene Sulfate/n-Butanol/Wa

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyb1026
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The phase diagram of the ternary system of sodium dodecyl trioxyethylene sulfate (SDES)/ n butanol/water is obtained at (30 0±0 1) ℃. There exists a clear, isotropic, and low viscosity L phase, which could be divided into W/O micelle, bi continuous (B.C.) phase and O/W micelle by conductivity measurements. Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS) measurements are applied to investigate microstructure changes of this system. For samples with a fixed weight ratio, SDES/ n butanol=3/7, DRS indicates a structure transition from W/O to O/W micelles via B.C. phase with the increase of water content. For the samples with a fixed weight ratio, SDES/H 2O=4/6, DRS can presents that there exist changes of onefold structure size of W/O micelles as n butanol content increases. The results obtained from DRS and their analyses are in good agreement with those from phase diagram and conductivity measurements. The phase diagram of the ternary system of sodium dodecyl trioxyethylene sulfate (SDES) / n butanol / water is obtained at (30 0 ± 0 1) ° C. There exists a clear, isotropic, and low viscosity L phase, which could be divided into W / O micelle, bi continuous (BC) phase and O / W micelle by conductivity measurements. Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS) measurements are applied to investigate microstructure changes of this system. For samples with a fixed weight ratio, SDES / n butanol = 3/7, DRS indicates a structure transition from W / O to O / W micelles via BC phase with the increase of water content. For the samples with a fixed weight ratio, SDES / H 2O = 4/6, DRS can presents that there exist changes of onefold structure size of W / O micelles as n butanol content increases. The results obtained from DRS and their analyzes are in good agreement with those from phase diagram and conductivity measurements.
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