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1.宝成线历史、现状及扩能的必要性宝成线是建国后第一个五年计划期间我国自己建设的一条重要铁路干线。1956年建成通车,1957年7月1日正式投入运营,在沟通我国内地与大西南经济文化发展中发挥了重要作用。宝成北段(宝鸡-广元),整个线路盘绕于秦岭丛山峻岭中,北经渭河支流的清姜河峡谷,以3‰的三机坡翻越秦岭主峰垭口,南沿嘉陵江峡谷区而下,整个线路傍山依水,婉延曲折,桥隧相连,个别地段隧道立体交叉,线路十分险峻。建国初期,由于国家百废待业,加之帝国主义经济封锁,国家经济十分困难,虽然我们在当时创造了历史壮举,但整个线路建设标准仍然很低。宝成线虽为国家Ⅱ级干线,但年输送能力不到300 1. Baocheng line history, the status quo and the need for capacity expansion Baocheng line is the first five-year plan after the founding of our country to build an important railway trunk. Opened in 1956 opened to traffic, July 1, 1957 formally put into operation, in communicating the development of economy and culture in the Mainland and the Southwest China has played an important role. Baocheng north section (Baoji - Guangyuan), the entire circuit coiled in Qinling mountains, north of the Weihe River tributary of the Qing Jiang River Canyon, with 3 ‰ of the three slope over the Qinling Peak Pass, south along the Jialing River Canyon area, The entire mountainside along the line, wandering twists and turns, bridges and tunnels connected, individual sections of the tunnel three-dimensional cross, the line is very steep. In the early days after the founding of New China, due to the country’s long-serving employment and the blockade of the imperialist economy, the national economy was very difficult. Although we had created a historic feat at the time, the entire line construction standard was still very low. Although the Po-line for the national level II trunk, but the annual delivery capacity of less than 300
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RENAL cell carcinoma (RCC) in a solitary kidney presents a unique clinical challenge to urolo- gical surgeons. Partial nephrectomy (PN) or nephron-sparing surge
有个故事说,从前印度有位国王想试验心的力量究竟有多大,于是便派人到牢房里抓来一个被判了死刑的囚犯,这个囚犯原是一位大臣。国王说:“现在你就要被处死了,不过我可以给你一线生机,如果你手里捧着一碗油,顶在头上,在城里的大街小巷绕一圈,能不洒落一滴的话,我就赦免你的死罪。”  这位大臣在绝望之中,像突然看见了一线曙光,高兴之后,便调整好心态,小心翼翼地顶着一碗油,在城里的大街小巷走了一圈,果然没洒出半滴