
来源 :西安交通大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxyy001a
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伟大领袖毛主席教导我们:“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高”。在毛主席革命路线指引下,在华主席抓纲治国,达到天下大治的号召下,目前西医学习中医,走中西医结合道路的群众运动,正在蓬勃开展。现将中医辨证论治在几种耳鼻喉科病的应用,综合一些有关文献及自己所学浮浅体会,略谈于下,有不妥之处。请同志们批评指正。 The great leader Chairman Mao taught us: “Chinese medicine is a great treasure house and we should strive to discover and improve it.” Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, under the call of President Hua Jiangang to govern and govern the country and achieve universal governance, the current mass movement of Western medicine to learn Chinese medicine and take the path of integration of Chinese and Western medicine is flourishing. Now the use of TCM syndrome differentiation in the treatment of several diseases of the otolaryngology, synthesis of some relevant literature and superficial understanding of their own learning, talk about the next, there is something wrong. Please comrades criticize and correct me.
Objective To explore the effect of chronic hypoxia on the proliferation and differentiation of LLCPK, cells. Methods: The cells were exposed either to hypoxia (
用含2%氨水的醇溶液,把种子粉末冷浸24小时。然后将生物硷溶液做成苦味酸盐,再通过阴离子交换树脂得到总生物硷盐酸盐,其盐酸盐经纸上层析发现种子含有三种生物硷,R_f 值分
将细辛研成末,取适量,用白酒和蛋清调成糊状,敷太阳穴和印堂穴部位,12小时取下。 Take Asarum into the end, take the appropriate amount, make a paste with white wine
薄荷用赤霉素处理后,茎高增加118.0—209.7%,叶干重量减轻,挥发油的含量减少0.02—1.02%v/w(对照组含3.31%),薄荷脑的含量也稍降低。 After treated with gibberellin, the ste