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一如何开始的五年前一个寒冷的冬夜,我的好朋友在凌晨打电话给我,什么都没有说,只是给我弹奏了一段古琴。短短的30分钟内,古琴的声音和着窗外的风声就像一把尖刀一样划过我们的心,我们都是无语泪先流。放下电话,从我朋友的经历到我自己,到我的妈妈,我的 One of the first five years ago, a cold winter night, my good friend called me in the early morning and said nothing, just played me a guqin. Within just 30 minutes, the sound of the guqin and the wind outside the window are like a sharp knife across our hearts, and we all are speechless tears first. Put down the phone, from my friend’s experience to myself, to my mom, mine
In this Letter,we propose two crosstalk-aware routing,core,and spectrum assignment(CA-RCSA)algorithms for spatial division multiplexing enabled elastic optical
“金立S9 双摄柔光自拍”微信线上发布会于11月15日下午正式开启,搭载双摄柔光自拍的金立S9闪亮登场,500家知名媒体共同见证了这款时尚新机的发布,再掀极致风潮。这一次,金立S9由时尚男神余文乐倾情代言,堪称“男神的时尚标配”。它秉承了金立S系列一贯的极致设计,此次更有双摄像头和柔光自拍等全新功能加盟,加上多项安全性能,成为第一款兼顾双摄和柔光自拍的安全手机。
In 1966,while working at Standard Telephones and Cables,Dr.Charles K.Kao and his co-author published the foundational paper on optical fiber communication,“Die
2009年3月30日是一个特别的日子。韩国当代艺术的第一家独立空间Ssamzie Space关闭了。最后的晚上,Ssamzie空间有个内部的表演和酒会,这些活动是欢庆自己前10年的贡献。Ssamz
Open 5G Systems The open source model has achieved great successes in software development and the Internet industry,however,there remains many cultural,technic
A new scheme is offered for minimizing carrier Rayleigh backscattering(CRB) in single feeder fiber based wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network