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  New Thinking & New Methods Needed for Investment Attraction
  By Gao Rongkun, Vice-Mayor of Guiyang City
  Investment is an engine of economic growth. Without a massive influx of international capital and private money, a strategic restructuring of the state-owned economy, which constitutes more than 65% of the national economy, would not be possible, nor would the formation of groups of competitive industries and the fostering of strong enterprise groups. Without investment, it would be difficult, too, for the country to mitigate employment pressures, narrow the gap between the east and west regions and participate in economic globalization. For Guiyang city, Guizhou province and the entire west China, attracting investment from external sources is of vital importance.
  Through attracting investment as well as self-fund accumulation and self-development, we need to achieve the follow objectives in 3-5 years following China‘s entry of the WTO, that is, before full compliance to WTO rules is required. First, to foster a number of very competitive big companies and enterprise groups that turn out products of famous brands and own intellectual property rights. Second, to establish really competitive industries on the basis of such big companies and enterprise groups. Third, to bring about a strategic restructuring of the state-owned sector. Fourth, to raise the proportion of collective and private economies to more than 60-70% of the entire regional economy. And fifth, to enable Guiyang‘s economy to integrate with the economy of east China and participate in economic globalization.
  We have made progress in attracting international capital and private capital from east China. But to attract greater inflows of investment capital, we need to solve problems relating to our thinking as well as practical problems. One is to allow outside capital to be profitable. Why would capital come? Seeking profit is in the nature of capital. We must create conditions that would ensure returns on investment.
  Security is another issue that is of utmost importance to investors. Investment security depends not only on the central government and the country‘s administrative and judicial systems, but also on the work efficiency of local governments. At present, China enjoys political stability, and it has basically established a market economic system. Legislation has ensured a normal operation of the market. China‘s macroeconomic situation is fine, too. From a broad perspective, there is guarantee for investment security. And this is exactly why many of the world‘s top 500 companies and multinationals have come to invest in China in recent years. East China now has a better investment environment than west China. Admittedly, this is attributable to a difference in geographical location. But a more important reason is differences in investment environment itself. Generally speaking, risk for investment in the western regions is far greater than in east China. And this is why international capital and private capital of east China have been especially cautious about investing in the western regions.
  Yet another issue of great concern to investors is the rate of return on investment and the cycle of return. Too low a rate or too long a cycle of return is a sure damper on investment. To attract large amounts of international capital and private capital from east China, western regions must create conditions that will ensure that investment there would generate greater returns than investment in east China.
  We should, therefore, adjust out thinking and employ new methods to make our investment attraction work more efficient.
  First, we need to make a careful selection of destinations for outside investment money on the basis of a full understanding of economic development trends at home and abroad.
  Second, we need to find appropriate target investors from among big international and domestic companies by following their competitive strategies and activities, and actively promote mergers and acquisitions.
  Third, we should use industrial chains to attract investment.
  Fourth, we should develop processing-based trade in a big way; on this basis, we will encourage external enterprises to shift from placing processing orders to investing in new factories. And
  Fifth, we need to expand fundraising channels.
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