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如何进一步贯彻实施修改后的《档案法》,回顾前几年的贯彻实施过程,会增强信心,提供有益的经验和做法。1983-1986年:哈师大建校以来,有人事档案室由党委组织部分管,文书档案室由党委办公室分管。1983年省档案局、省教委对我校进行档案工作联合检查,要求成立科技档案室。1985年8月学校配一名档案员管理科技档案,当时没有办公用房,没有设备。1986年6月该员调出,科技档案工作中断。1987年:当年5月省档案局、省敎委对在哈高校档案工作进行第二次联检。因工作开展不力,给予批评,限期改进。7月由校长办公室抽调一人负责科技档案室工作,隶属校办领导。当时科技档案管理处于分散状态,远远落后于全省兄弟院校。1988年:1月11日为庆祝《档案法》颁布实施,用大红纸将《档案法》抄写出来,在校园内张贴,在校内广泛 How to further implement the revised “Archives Law” and reviewing the implementation of the previous years will enhance confidence and provide useful experiences and practices. 1983-1986: Since the establishment of Harbin Normal University, a personnel archives office has been organized by the party committee, and the files and archives of the party committee are in charge of the office. In 1983, the Provincial Archives Bureau and the Provincial Education Commission conducted a joint inspection of archives work for our school, requiring the establishment of a science and technology archives office. 1985 August school with an archivist management technology files, there was no office space, no equipment. In June 1986, the member was transferred out and the scientific and technological archives were interrupted. 1987: In May of that year, the Provincial Archives Bureau and Provincial Committee of CPC held the second joint inspection of archives work in universities and colleges in Kazakhstan. Because of poor work, to give criticism, deadline for improvement. In July, one person from the principal’s office is responsible for the work of science and technology archives, under the leadership of the school-run department. At that time, science and technology archives management was in a scattered state, lagging far behind the province’s brother colleges and universities. 1988: January 11 In order to celebrate the promulgation and implementation of the “Archives Law”, the archival law was copied out with big red paper, posted on the campus and widely used in schools
理事(按姓氏笔划排列):丁庆林 副研究馆员 咸宁地区档案局丁传斌 副研究员 省档案局馆于斌 副研究馆员 省档案局馆马央彪 副研究馆员 孝感市档案局马费成 教授、博士导师 武
磁选设备在钢渣回收工艺中的选型情况并说明隆基磁电设备公司对钢渣磁选系统提出的新的磁选理念,提高钢渣高效回收效率。 Magnetic separation equipment in the steel slag
3月31日,司法部党组书记、部长吴爱英到司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所(简称“司鉴所”),视察并指导工作。 On March 31, Wu Aiying, party secretary and minister of the P
湖北省竹山县是全国特困县之一。然而在这里有一支关心、支持、重视档案工作的领导集体。 十三万我批定了 县委书记、县长何世学,看到档案局、馆的干部没日没夜的工作,档案
1.我国钢铁业发展迅速,资源紧俏,原料攀涨,废钢价格一路上扬2.国内粗钢产量持续增长,电炉炼钢发展缓慢,钢废钢吨钢量下降3.国际废钢市场与我国废钢行业现状 1. Rapid develo