How to set the language context

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A.Use all kinds of teaching aids In the classroom,students should be provided with a chance to experience the language in meaningful ways and try out their skills,so the teachers should try to use all kinds of teaching aids to set the language context for the students.And we should not only be acquainted with the use of flash cards and wall pictures,but also we need to learn to collect and make visual aids,such as pictures from magazines,used objects like can and boxes,flannel board,and stick-figures.So with a piece of chalk,objects,people,animals,settings are created on the blackboard and the students’interest and attention are aroused. A.Use all kinds of teaching aids In the classroom, students should be provided with a chance to experience the language in meaningful ways and try out their skills,so the teachers should try to use all kinds of teaching aids to set the language context for The students.And we should not only be acquainted with the use of flash cards and wall pictures,but also we need to learn to collect and make visual aids,such as pictures from magazines,used objects like can and boxes,flannel board,and stick-figures.So with a piece of chalk,objects,people,animals,settings are created on the blackboard and the students’interest and attention are aroused.
“读”在中学语文教学中,是一个重要的环节。如果我们的语文教学能使学生养成良好的读书习惯,使学生“不待教师之辅导而自臻于通篇明晓”,那才是事半功倍。 古人曰“读书百遍,其
目前圭亚那的麻风防治计划是从1971年开始的,那时用 DDS 单疗已经大约20年了,以后逐渐发现 B663和利福平治疗麻风病人有效,七十年代后期便用三种药物联合治疗多菌型麻风.治