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根据中央人民政府内务部纪念「八一」建军节做好优抚工作通知精神,本省今年纪念「八一」建军节,应做好如下几项工作:(一)各县(市)中心区人民政府除配合当地驻军开好「八一」庆祝会、联欢会外,应派干部到医院、革命残废军人学校、教养院向伤病员、革命残废军人进行慰问和祝贺,并可邀请优抚模范参加讲话。(二)结合中华人民共和国宪法草案的学习和讨论,通过各种会议、慰问、联欢等活动,宣传中国人民解放军、中国人民志愿军的伟大贡献,一方面提高干部群众和烈、军属、革命残废军人、复员建设军人的守法观念和人人有服兵役的光荣感;另一方面提高干部、群众爱国主义思想拥军优属观念,并以此作为推动爱国增产互助合作运动和作好优抚工作的巨大力量。 According to the Notice of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central People's Government in commemorating the “August 1” Army Day in doing the work of giving special care to the special care worker, this province commemorated the “August 1” Army-building Day this year and should do the following several tasks: (1) In addition to cooperating with the local garrison in celebrating “August 1” celebrations and social gatherings, the people's government should send cadres to hospitals, schools for disabled disabled military personnel, and correctional homes to offer condolences and congratulations to sick and wounded people and disabled handicapped soldiers, and invite specialists Participate in the speech (2) To promote the great contribution of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Volunteers Army through various meetings, sympathy and festivities in light of the study and discussion of the Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China. On the one hand, we should raise the awareness of cadres and the masses and the disabled and revolutionary bereaved soldiers Demobilization and building a soldier's concept of law-abiding and the glorious feeling of military service for all; on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the idea of ​​using military superiority as a concept of patriotism by cadres and the masses and as a tremendous force for promoting patriotic stimulation of mutual cooperation and cooperation and good work of special care.
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第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议决定:批准中央军事委员会《关于授予军队离休干部中国人民解放军功勋荣誉章的规定》,由中央军事委员会公布施行。 The Second
潜艇发射弹道导弹最初是水面发射,后来发展成为水下发射。本文记述的是苏联潜艇发射导弹从陆地发射试验到第一次水面发射试验的经过。 Submarine launching ballistic missi