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黄河归故后,到今年已四庆安澜。这在黄河史上确属罕见之事。但我们决不能因此自满自足麻痹松懈,必须再接再厉,在已有的胜利基础上将工程进一步的加强,工作进一步的提高,真正作到在黄河治本工程未能完成前,坚决保证黄河不决口的要求。本省现为了完成这一任务要求,计划今后三年内在山东境内工程作到安全通过一万流量,并在河防相对的安全条件下,大力进行整理河槽和兴办小型水利灌溉工程,这是本省今后主要建设任务之一,要求沿黄各级政府和全体治河员工一致努力来完成这一艰巨而光荣的任务。根据这一计划,一九五一年祖土工一项将有五百万至七百万公方之巨,我们必须以最大决心,最大努力,完成此艰巨而光荣的任务。现在汛期已过,严冬尚未到来,各县应即抓紧时间,进行冬修。这是三年任务的一部份,也是三年任务的开始。各县必须认真作好,积累经验,为这一巨大工程奠定有利基础。除黄河河务局另有具体布置和计划外,特提出如下指示:(一)加强宣传动员工作:今年汛期水势不大,最近大水又未出槽,因此干、群麻痹自满情绪仍严重存在,这对于完成今冬明春的工程,是一很大障碍。各县必须积极向群众作广泛深入的宣传动员。宣传时,除一般的说明黄河的灾害和修防重要外,必须将我们三年计划的意图和重要性反 After the return of the Yellow River, this year has been four Ann Lan. This is a rare event in the history of the Yellow River. However, we must not allow ourselves to be complacent and paralyzed. We must redouble our efforts, further strengthen the project on the basis of the existing victory, and further improve our work so that we can truly guarantee that the Yellow River will not make any contradictions even before the completion of the project. . In order to accomplish this task, the province now plans to make 10,000 safe works in Shandong within the next three years and make vigorous efforts to organize river basins and establish small-scale irrigation projects under the relative safety conditions of river and air defense. One of the tasks of construction requires the concerted efforts of all levels of government along the Yellow River and the entire river management staff to accomplish this arduous and glorious task. According to this plan, one of the ancestral workers will have a merit of 5 million to 7 million in 1951. We must accomplish this arduous and glorious task with utmost determination and utmost efforts. Now that the flood season has passed and the winter has not yet come, the counties should seize the time and carry out winter repairs. This is part of a three-year mission and the beginning of a three-year mission. All counties must make good efforts and gain experience to lay a good foundation for this huge project. Except for the specific arrangements and plans of the Yellow River River Bureau, the following special instructions are also issued: (1) to step up publicity and mobilization work: the water potential is not high during the flood season this year, and most of the floods have not emerged from the trough. Therefore, complacency is still serious , Which is a big obstacle to completing the works this winter and next spring. All counties must make active and extensive publicity and mobilization to the masses. In publicity, besides the general description of the disaster and rehabilitation of the Yellow River, it is essential that the intention and importance of our three-year plan be reversed
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