
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbc235wjm
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高职学生是社会主义事业未来的建设者和接班人,加强对学生党员的教育管理极其重要。近年来,随着教育改革的不断深入,在高职院校规模、结构、质量、效益等矛盾凸显的同时,学生党建工作也面临着一系列问题,如学生党员的流动性,工学结合模式下的高职生顶岗锻炼;再如毕业生组织关系“无法转、无处转,长期搁置,不转、转了无音”等问题。面对这问题,怎样做好学生党员的教育与管理工作,已成为学校党组织亟待解决的一个新问题。党的十七届四中全会指出:“扩大基层党组织覆盖面。全面推进各领域党的基层组织建设,实现党组织和党的工作全社会覆盖,做到哪里有群众哪里就有党的工作、哪里有党员哪里就有党组织、哪里有党组织哪里就有健全的组织生活和党组织作用的充分发挥。”在庆祝建党89周年之际,我们编发了一组学校党建工作方面的文章,旨在对近年来学生党建工作的积极探索和成功经验做一些梳理与概括,也藉此为今后加强这方面工作提供一些经验与借鉴。 Higher vocational students are the builders and successors of the future of socialism. It is extremely important to strengthen the education and management of student party members. In recent years, along with the continuous deepening of education reform, while the contradictions such as scale, structure, quality and benefits of higher vocational colleges are prominent, the party construction of students also faces a series of problems, such as the mobility of student party members and the combination of industry and education Of the vocational training of post-job; another example, the relationship between graduates “can not turn, no place to turn, long-term shelved, do not turn, turn silent” and other issues. In the face of this problem, how to do a good job of education and management of student party members has become a new problem to be solved urgently by party organizations in schools. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “Expanding the coverage of grass-roots party organizations, comprehensively promoting grass-roots party building in all fields, covering the whole society with the work of the party organizations and the party work, and wherever there are the masses, the work of the party , Where there are party members where there is a party organization and where there is a party organization where there is a sound organizational life and the full play of the role of the party organization. ”Celebrating the 89th anniversary of the founding of party, we compiled a series of articles on party building in schools Aiming at combing and summarizing the active exploration and successful experiences of the party construction in recent years and also providing some experiences and reference for strengthening this work in the future.
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