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随着工业化的强势入侵,随着自身的成长,人们在社会生活的日渐厮杀中忘记了成长的回音、忽略了家庭的温情,变得越发的冷漠和坚实,需要被动的感官刺激才能感受到生活本身的存在。反映在电视艺术创作中,情节越紧凑,线索越离奇,矛盾越突出,肢体碰撞越强烈,戏剧感越强,往往越能吸引观者的好奇心,进而产生存在感。而《幸福来敲门》却用平实白描的叙事方式,以一对中年男女的感情生活为主线,串起了一个家庭的喜怒哀乐。36集的篇幅,规避了艺术创作中强烈的矛盾冲突,舍弃了大喜大悲的转折,以每集都出现一场小风波带动故事的发展,风波虽小,却折射出真实的生活状态。 With the strong invasion of industrialization, with its own growth, people forget the echo of growth in the increasingly slack social life, ignoring the warmth of the family and becoming more and more indifferent and firm. They need passive sensory stimulation to feel their life Existence of itself. Reflected in the television art creation, the plot is more compact, the more bizarre clues, the more prominent conflicts, the stronger the collision of the body, the stronger sense of drama, the more likely to attract the viewer’s curiosity, resulting in a sense of presence. The “happiness to knock on the door,” but with plain white description of narrative style, with a pair of middle-aged men and women’s emotional life as the main line, stringing a family’s emotions. 36 sets of space, to avoid the violent conflicts in the artistic creation, gave up the turning point of great joy, with each episode of a small storm led the development of the story, the storm is small, but reflects the true state of life.
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