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孙女士,37岁,私营公司老板。很巧的一次机会,一个朋友知道孙女士有首层的房子要出租,便介绍了一个开美容店的老板来看她的房子。孙女士的房子在11层板式小高层住宅的首层,是最靠外边的单元。临近社区的主路。当时因为孙女士内部认购的排号比较靠后,轮到她挑户型时,安静的单元都被人“捷足先登”了。不得已才挑了现在的单元。整套户型方正,南北通透一体,而且因为房子是框架结构,三室的分割墙可以拆除,户型非常灵活。如果租她的房子开美容院。还是比较理想的,美容店的老板很满意。 Ms. Sun, 37, owner of a private company. Coincidentally a chance, a friend of Miss Sun know the first floor of the house to be rented, they introduced a beauty shop owner came to see her house. Ms. Sun’s house on the first floor of the 11-storey small high-rise residential buildings, is the outermost unit. The main road near the community. At that time because Miss Sun internal subscription number is more dependent on the turn she picked units, quiet units have been “pre-empted.” Last resort to pick the unit now. The entire apartment Founder, North-South transparent one, and because the house is a frame structure, three-room partition wall can be removed, apartment layout is very flexible. If rent her house open beauty salon. Still ideal, beauty shop owner is very satisfied.
  以溶胶凝胶法制备的铈钛复合氧化物为载体制备的负载Ir 催化剂,对CO 氧化表现出良好的活性,CO 全转化温度为22℃.H2-TPR,Raman 结果表明Ir 与高分散的CeO2 之间的强相互
In this paper,we consider a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation boundary value problem.The existence of monotone positive solution is derived by
Speckle degrades severely the quality of medical B-scan ultrasonic images, especially it blurs edges and details of images. An adaptive speckle suppression and