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1978年的金秋,父亲应邀为上海虹桥机场作巨幅布置画。这项政治任务的下达,使他激动得数夜无眠,这是他数十年来在艺术生命中第一次享受到这种最高待遇、他感到祖国还是需要他的,他要把他全身的精力和艺术奉献给自己的民族和祖车,这将也是他数十年来的第一次亮相,他要使人民甚至世界都知道中国有个山水画家叫陆俨少,要在人类整个艺术的领域中创造出最完美、最辉煌的艺术品来。让那些傲慢的西方艺术权威们刮目相看,使他们不得不重新认识和了解具有数千年文明的中国绘画!所以父亲在创作这幅巨画的过程中,就格外的认真。首先想到的是要为这幅巨画定一个非常贴切的名字,就为定这个名字父亲就反复思考了一个星期,最后他对我说确定用唐朝诗人李长吉的一首诗“乘风好去,长空万里,直下看山河”。从他略显激动和微笑的眼神中,可以看出他为此颇为得意。而在巨画的经营位置和章法上父亲可以说是游刃有余,得心应手。但是他还是很认真地画了一张小样,由此可以看出他对这幅巨画的重视程度了。为了体现出祖国山河的壮丽,又要表现出父亲淋漓尽致的笔墨技巧,此幅巨画父亲采用了传统的小青绿画法。从画幅的整体来看,气势恢宏,雍容而华丽,鸟瞰之势、长空万里。笔墨细腻而沉着痛快、灵气横溢而清新。站在画前仿佛自己已置身于崇山峻岭之间。父亲历时半月之久才告完成,即由画院委托博物馆装裱。 In the autumn of 1978, my father was invited to make a huge layout for the Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. This political task has given him the thrill of sleepless nights. For the first time in decades of his artistic life, he enjoyed this supreme treatment. He felt that his motherland still needed him. He wanted to put his whole body energy And art dedicated to their own people and ancestral vehicles, which will also be his debut in decades, he wants the people and even the world know that there is a landscape painter in China called Lu Yanshao, in the field of human beings in the art To create the most perfect, the most brilliant works of art. Let those arrogant western art authorities scrutinize so that they will have to re-understand and understand Chinese paintings with thousands of years of civilization! Therefore, his father was especially serious in the creation of this giant painting. The first thing that came to my mind was to set a very apt name for this giant painting. My father repeatedly thought about this for a week. Finally he told me that he would make sure to use a poem by Li Changji, a Tang poet, Miles, straight down to see the mountains and rivers. " From his slightly excited and smiling eyes, we can see that he was quite proud of it. In the giant painting business location and the chapter on the law can be said that the father is ease and handy. But he still drew a very serious sample, from which we can see that he attached great importance to this giant painting. In order to reflect the magnificence of the motherland mountains and rivers, but also demonstrate his father vividly pen and ink skills, this huge painting father adopted the traditional small green painting. From the overall picture, the magnificent, grace and gorgeous, bird’s eye view of the potential, the sky miles. Pen delicate and calm, Aura overflowing and fresh. Standing in front of the painting as if he had been placed in the mountains between. My father lasted for a long time before it was completed, that is, the museum commissioned a museum framed.
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