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目的分析布病疫情,探讨布病发生的原因,提出控制措施。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统中下载对鹤壁市2008-2013年报告布病病例数据疫情数据和个案调查信息,运用描述性流行病学方法进行描述和分析,通过时间、地区、人群分布,流行特征揭示布病高发的可能原因。结果 2008-2013年鹤壁市共报告布病294例,主要发生在3~8月(69.05%),鹤山区、淇滨区、淇县发病较多,病例男女比为4.4∶1,以青壮年农民为主,羊只放养是主要感染途径(82.20%)。鹤壁市布病疫情存在持续升高趋势,农村养羊青壮年为主要发病人群,养殖、接羔为感染的主要途径,防护意识不强、病畜无害化未落实是持续主要原因,及时发现病例,减少慢性化是今后工作目标。结论鹤壁市布病疫情存在持续升高趋势,农村养羊青壮年为主要发病人群。应采取综合措施做好布病防控工作布病联防联控机制已经建立,但短期内畜间布病控制措施落实难度大,疫情不能有效控制,人间布病防控的主要措施为健康教育、及时发现病人、规范治疗、减少慢性化。这样,即使布病病例数不能大幅度减少,但仍然可以减轻患者负担,减少疾病造成的身体伤害。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of brucellosis, explore the causes of brucellosis and put forward the control measures. Methods The data of epidemic situation and case investigation of brucellosis from 2008 to 2013 in Hebi were downloaded from China CDC. The descriptive epidemiological method was used to describe and analyze the epidemiological data. The epidemic situation was analyzed by time, region and population distribution Features reveal the possible causes of high incidence of brucellosis. Results A total of 294 cases of brucellosis were reported in Hebi from 2008 to 2013, mainly from March to August (69.05%). There were more cases in Heshan District, Qibin District and Qixian County, with a male / female ratio of 4.4:1. Mainly farmers, sheep stocking is the main route of infection (82.20%). The prevalence of brucellosis in Hebi City continued to increase. In rural areas, young sheep were the main disease-causing population. Breeding and lambing were the main ways of infection. The protection awareness was not strong and the innocence of livestock and poultry was not fulfilled, which was the main reason for timely discovery Case, to reduce chronicity is the future goal of work. Conclusion The prevalence of brucellosis in Hebi City continues to increase, with young sheep in rural areas as the main disease population. Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent and control brucellosis Cloth and disease prevention and control mechanism has been established, but in the short term implementation of brucellosis control measures difficult to implement, epidemic situation can not be effectively controlled, human brucellosis prevention and control of the main measures for health education, Timely detection of patients, standardized treatment, reduce chronic. In this way, even if the number of cases of brucellosis can not be drastically reduced, the burden on patients and the physical harm caused by diseases can be reduced.
小学阶段,由于孩子年龄较小,课堂行为表现有待优化. 比如:注意力分散、不遵守纪律、不会倾听、不想研讨等方面.在数学课堂上,教师最大的幸福就是能看到学生有质疑以及自己探