现将以肝炎为首发症状的甲亢1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,30岁。因恶心、厌油、纳差、乏力半个月入院。既往体健,入院后查ALT178 U/L,肾功能、电解质、血常规、尿常规正常,甲、乙、丙、丁、戊型肝炎病毒抗体均阴性,AFP、NA抗体谱阴性,抗O、RF、C反应蛋白阴性,彩超示肝、胆、胰、脾未发现异常。应用保肝药物治疗5 d,复查ALT250 U/L,仍恶心、厌油、纳差、乏力,仔细查体发现患者甲状腺无明显肿大,但可闻及收缩期吹风样杂音,化验甲状腺功能T3、T4升高TSH降低,甲状
Hepatitis is now the first symptom of hyperthyroidism in 1 case as follows. 1 medical summary male, 30 years old. Due to nausea, tired of oil, anorexia, fatigue half a month admitted to hospital. Previous physical health, admission check ALT178 U / L, renal function, electrolytes, blood, urine routine normal, A, B, C, D and hepatitis E virus antibodies were negative, AFP, NA antibody spectrum negative, RF, C-reactive protein negative, color Doppler showed liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen found no abnormalities. Application of liver protection drug treatment 5 d, review ALT250 U / L, is still nausea, tired of oil, anorexia, fatigue, careful examination revealed no significant thyroid enlargement, but can be heard and systolic hair-like murmurs, thyroid function test thyroid function T3 , T4 increased TSH decreased, thyroid