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超越各地孤立的、离散的、截面式的社会管理创新实践,确保政府社会管理职能的全面履行,并且突破政府社会管理职能履行与创新的制度困境,推动政府职能的全面转型,是当前中国加强和创新社会管理的重大议题。从测量与制度化两大维度考察地方政府社会管理,有助于推动地方政府全面有效地履行社会管理职能。测量地方政府社会管理绩效,首先需要界定地方政府的社会管理职能,包括明晰政府与社会的关系,区分广义与狭义社会管理,处理好“管理”与“服务”的关系等方面;其次需要将客观测量维度与主观测量维度相结合;而在此基础上构建地方政府社会管理绩效评估指标体系,必须遵循综合性和全面性、系统性和内在一致性、与利益相关者的评价和目标一致、存量改革与增量建设相结合、可靠性和有效性,以及可操作性等基本原则。地方政府社会管理的制度化内容包括实现政府组织内部的良性运行、规范与协调政府间关系、发现影响地方政府社会管理绩效的制度变量,以及改革社会体制等方面,其实现方式是“自上而下”与“自下而上”的制度化路径相结合,它们都需要以新社会体制与法治为保障。 To go beyond the isolated, discrete and cross-sectional social management innovation practice to ensure the full implementation of the government’s social management functions and to break through the system dilemma of fulfilling and innovating the social management functions of the government and to promote the full transformation of government functions are the key measures that China now strengthens and Innovation social management of the major issues. Examining the social management of local governments from the two dimensions of measurement and institutionalization helps to promote the local government to fully and effectively perform its social management functions. To measure the social management performance of local government, we must first define the social management function of local government, including clarifying the relationship between government and society, distinguishing broad and narrow social management, handling the relationship between “management” and “service” Secondly, it is necessary to combine the objective measurement dimension and the subjective measurement dimension. On the basis of which, it is necessary to follow the comprehensiveness and comprehensiveness, systematicness and internal consistency of the evaluation index system of social management of local government, The same goal, the combination of stock reform and incremental construction, reliability and effectiveness, and operability. The institutionalization of local government social management includes realizing the virtuous internal operation of government organizations, standardizing and coordinating intergovernmental relations, discovering the institutional variables that affect the social management performance of local governments and reforming the social system, However, under the institutionalization path of “and ” from the bottom up ", they all need to be protected by the new social system and the rule of law.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
【摘要】微课是当前的一种新型教育模式,在高中教学中越来越受重视。在高中化学教学中应用微课能够提升课堂教学的效果,提高教学效率。本文对微课在高中化学教学中的应用进行了分析,介绍了微课在高中化学教学中的作用,并指出了微课在高中化学教学中应用应注意的问题。  【关键词】微课 高中化学 教学 应用  【中图分类号】G633.8【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)23-0146-01