开展“双增双节” 促进降耗增收

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我们五莲县黄金工业公司为国有大二型企业,被日照市政府授予“明星企业”称号。自1991年以来,连续6年产黄金超万两,实现利润过千万元。 在1995年的生产经营管理活动中,我们以转换经营机制、增强市场竞争能力为目标,以开展“双增双节”活动,坚持内涵挖潜、促进降耗增收为主攻方向,全年共消化各项增支减利因素1200多万元,取得了较好经济效益。 一、落实目标责任,定期检查考核 1995年以来,企业生产经营中增支减利因素较多,我们把学习邯钢经验、开展“双增双节”活动贯穿于企业经济工作的全过程,并提出全年苗斗目标。为确保总目标的完成,将“生产管理、营销管理、成本管理、修旧利废、财务管理、用电管理、企业发展、科技求效”等八项增收节支措施按照责、权、利相结合的原则,与有关生产单位、职能 Our Wulian County Gold Industry Corporation is a state-owned second-tier enterprise and was awarded the title of “Star Enterprise” by the Rizhao City Government. Since 1991, for six consecutive years, it has produced over 2,000 yuan of gold and realized a profit of over ten million yuan. In the production and operation management activities in 1995, we aimed to transform the operating mechanism and enhance the competitiveness of the market to carry out the “double-increasing and double-section” activities, insisting on concentrating on tapping potentials and promoting consumption reduction and income increase. The increase in the number of profit-reducing factors of more than 12 million yuan, and achieved better economic benefits. First, implement the target responsibility, regular inspections and assessments Since 1995, there have been many factors in the increase and decrease of profits in the production and operation of enterprises. We have studied the experience of Handan Iron and Steel and carried out the “double-increasing and double-section” activities throughout the whole process of the economic work of the enterprise. Put forward the goal of the year. In order to ensure the completion of the overall goal, the eight revenue-increasing and cost-saving measures, including “manufacturing management, marketing management, cost management, repairing old waste, financial management, power consumption management, enterprise development, and technology for efficiency”, shall be implemented in accordance with the responsibilities, rights, and benefits. Combining the principles with related production units and functions