Advanced Credit-Assignment CMAC Algorithm for Robust Self-Learning and Self-Maintenance Machine

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angus000
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Smart machine necessitates self-learning capabilities to assess its own performance and predict its behavior. To achieve self-maintenance intelligence, robust and fast learning algorithms need to be em- bedded in machine for real-time decision. This paper presents a credit-assignment cerebellar model articulation controller (CA-CMAC) algorithm to reduce learning interference in machine learning. The developed algorithms on credit matrix and the credit correlation matrix are presented. The error of the training sample distributed to the activated memory cell is proportional to the cell’s credibility, which is determined by its activated times. The convergence processes of CA-CMAC in cyclic learning are further analyzed with two convergence theorems. In addition, simulation results on the inverse kinematics of 2- degree-of-freedom planar robot arm are used to prove the convergence theorems and show that CA-CMAC converges faster than conventional machine learning. Smart machine necessitates self-learning capabilities to assess its own performance and predict its behavior. To achieve self-maintenance intelligence, robust and fast learning algorithms need to be em- bedded in machine for real-time decision. This paper presents a credit-assignment The developed algorithms on credit matrix and the credit correlation matrix are presented. The error of the training sample distributed to the activated memory cell is proportional to the cell’s credibility , which is determined by its activation times. The addition of simulation equations on the inverse kinematics of 2-degree-of-freedom planar robot arm are used to prove the convergence theorems and show that CA-CMAC converges faster than conventional machine learning.
静止无功补偿器(staticsynchronou compensator,缩写为STATCOM)作为新一代并联型无功补偿装置,具有传统的固定容量的电容器以及SVC等无功补偿装置无法比拟的优点。继1999年3